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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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What do having a baby, buying a dog and starting a business all have in common??? All Postswork from homeworking momblog

What do having a baby, buying a dog and starting a business all have in common???

I remember distinctly when we had our first baby. In my mind I had envisioned this newborn baby as all Kodak moments. Rocking sweetly. Cuddling.  I had no idea that our first baby would be colicky, that he would not nurse well, that we would have to supplement with bottles, that he would…
December 28, 2015
How my 14 year old son changed my business forever working momcreative entrepreneurwork from homedo it yourselfBusiness TrainingFaith, Family, & AdoptionBusiness trainingDIY ProjectsJennifer Allwood HomeAllwood

How my 14 year old son changed my business forever

14 years ago today, our son Noah was born and made me a mother.   Life has never ever been the same.  I had no idea the sheer joy that motherhood would bring. At the time we had Noah, I had only had my Magic Brush painting business for a little over a…
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December 14, 2015
My bath curtain. My bronze truffle cabinets. My lack of sewing skills. AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeDIY ProjectsdecoratingFaux finishcabinetsdo it yourselfwork from homeworking momfurnitureStencilPinterest training

My bath curtain. My bronze truffle cabinets. My lack of sewing skills.

  On Monday I blogged about the new bath caddy that the amazing Mr. Magic made for me.  It's gorgeous and perfect and ONLY LOOKS THAT GOOD WHEN I HAVE IT STAGED FOR PICTURES.  Lol.  The rest of the time I am wrangling Ava's toys off of it (have you seen the…
August 28, 2015
Dear teachers: they didn’t read much. AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY ProjectsFaith, Family, & AdoptionBusiness Trainingdo it yourselfwork from homeworking momcreative entrepreneur

Dear teachers: they didn’t read much.

  Summer is winding down.  We are literally days away from our 3 kiddos starting their new school year. And all the sudden, I'm feeling the end of summer scramble coming on.  How can we squeeze out one more trip to the pool?  One last trip out of town?  One last sleep over? …
August 10, 2015
We made a repurposed cornice board from old rusty tin panels! AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsColor trendsDIY ProjectsMy Old HomedecoratingFaux finishpaintdo it yourselfwork from homeworking momfurniturecreative entrepreneurrepurpose

We made a repurposed cornice board from old rusty tin panels!

  I am over here doing a happy dance at how my rusted tin repurposed cornice board just turned out!!!!!  Rusted tin is my 2nd love language (right behind glitter).  It makes my heart beat fast.  And I know what you're thinking.... how can I love glitter AND rust at…
May 20, 2015
Fancy schmancy garage sales signs that advertise for a garage sale AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY ProjectsBusiness trainingdo it yourselfwork from homeworking mom

Fancy schmancy garage sales signs that advertise for a garage sale

We had a neighborhood garage sale this weekend and I had tons and tons of things to sell as we continue to change our home over from the brown and gold palette to the grays and creams.  I needed big traffic to get rid of ALOT of brown things. So I…
May 12, 2015
STILL don’t see the value of Pinterest for your business? AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY ProjectsBusiness trainingBusiness Trainingdo it yourselfwork from homePinterest training

STILL don’t see the value of Pinterest for your business?

My web developer sent me my google analytics today for the month of April.  My referral numbers are so interesting that I HAVE to show you.  Look at line 2.  Pinterest!  My PINTEREST account is my 2nd leading referral source and sent 2,368 people to my website last month.  And I…
May 8, 2015
How Perfectionism could be Killing your Creative Small Business! All PostsBusiness trainingBusiness Trainingwork from homeworking momPinterest trainingblog

How Perfectionism could be Killing your Creative Small Business!

To my Creative Entrepreneur Friends: Are you a self-proclaimed perfectionist?  Or maybe you do not think you are a perfectionist, but maybe you are a creative entrepreneur and you joke that you are OCD.  Or an overachiever. Or obsessively meticulous. Those are just fancy-schmancy words for the same thing. Maybe you have…
April 24, 2015