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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo

Hey there!

I’m Jennifer.

I teach Christian women how to build a business online using social media, our marketing software, our virtual assistant agency, and proven marketing strategies.

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Livethe life you were made for

Discover how to get unstuck and over your fear in Jennifer Allwood’s book Fear is Not the Boss of You. Learn more about this transformational, tough-love guide or order your copy now via the link below.

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30 Days of Prayer

I always tell my clients that we can’t do our work and follow our dreams without being obedient to His direction. That’s why in this 30 Day Devotional I have included many of the very prayers I have prayed over my business for years. Plus I’ve added quotes, Bible verses and more! If you’ve ever searched for the right words for prayer (especially when it comes to business) I have you covered. Grab this devotion and make a promise to yourself to read at least ONE daily!

Download Now
Starter Kit

50 Canva Templates

Y’all! Have you ever wondered how everyone has such pretty, curated graphics on their Instagram stories? You know…the ones that make you want to click the linkinbio or SWIPE UP on their story? Yup? Me too! That’s why I have this gift for you! It’s 50 Story templates for you to completely customize with your own branding! Not a graphic designer? No problem — we will also send you a step-by-step video tutorial on how to use/edit these templates to make them totally your own!

Start Creating
Resource Guide

Money Mindset

Soooo you want to earn more money? You KNOW what you need to do but SOMETHING keeps holding you back. Friend, I see you. You aren’t broken; you simply don’t have the right mindset — and that’s easier to shift than you might think. Let’s figure out what’s ACTUALLY holding you back…cuz there IS a deeper issue and it’s likely your thoughts around money. So let’s dive deeper into that. Trust me…this is my JAM! I’ll walk you through 4 key reasons your money mindset is holding you back. This is POWERFUL.

Get the Guide

Let’s go!

Work with Jennifer

If you want to grow your business online but don’t know where to start, you’re in the right place! I’ll help you quit trading time for money and focus on boosting your revenue.

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Equipt360 + The Creators’ Inner Circle

If you have just started or are working hard at growing your business online, this members-only coaching group and software combo is for you. It is the only platform you need to grow and nurture your audience, serve your clients well, get payments, and make an income all in one convenient place!

Get Equipt360

breakthrough 02

Business Breakthrough

If you’re tired of the one-size-fits-all approach to business coaching, another course or paid membership is not the answer. My Business Breakthrough Program is a 12-week personalized business consulting plan designed for action-takers who want to see results in their businesses.

I need a breakthrough
Next Level Mastermind

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Next Level Mastermind

If you are already on social media, growing your business and monetizing it, and you just need to learn how to scale, this is the highest level of working with us. Dive deeper into your faith and into your business through this powerful scaling program.

Show Me What’s Next

On-demand virtual assistant services

You were wired to be a business owner, so our virtual assistants take care of the things that allow you to focus on the things you love — creating what you love and connecting with your customers and clients.

We can handle the tech-heavy tasks, your piled-up to-do list that keeps you in the weeds every day, or the stuff that you just can’t seem to figure out on your own. If you’re looking for something specific, just shoot us a message.

Get Started

Connect with  jenniferon Instagram