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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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To my Creative Entrepreneur Friends:

Are you a self-proclaimed perfectionist?  Or maybe you do not think you are a perfectionist, but maybe you are a creative entrepreneur and you joke that you are OCD.  Or an overachiever. Or obsessively meticulous. Those are just fancy-schmancy words for the same thing.

Maybe you have had thoughts like this that pop up in your business:

  • My business name isn’t exactly what I want, so I’m just not starting yet
  • My website doesn’t look quite right, so I’m not making it live until it looks better
  • My marketing materials are just so-so, so I’m not printing them off quite yet
  • My social media page doesn’t look professional enough, so I’m not sharing it to my family and friends right now
  • My blog post needs proof read and reworded, so I’m not posting it
  • The last painting project I tried didn’t look good, so I won’t do another until I’ve learned more
  • I’ve had 2 customers return necklaces, so I’m just not making them anymore
  • I haven’t sold anything on Etsy yet, so that must be a sign I shouldn’t be selling on Etsy
  • I don’t want to post pictures of my furniture project on Facebook because the room wasn’t picked up in the photo
  • I don’t want to post on Twitter because I haven’t figured Twitter out just yet


And on and on and on. I have worked with so many creative entrepreneurs and I see it so often: perfectionism suffocates the creative person and their creative gift.  It is literally keeping your creative business stuck.  And your need to have everything perfect is stealing dollars from your business.  It’s holding your business down.


I’ve got something to help you. Watch my free pre-recorded webinar on Perfectionism here. 

I want to see you lay down perfectionism so that your creativity can soar and your business can flourish.




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One Comment

  • Caire Six says:

    Hi there!

    The “Perfect Schmerfect” webinar is no longer available. Will there be another scheduled?

    Thank you!

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