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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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Hey, there!

I’m Jennifer Allwood.

I teach small business owners how to make money online while keeping their faith and family top priority.

About Me

A few things to know

I live in Kansas City with my husband and four incredible humans who call me Mom. We have three bio kids and a bonus kiddo who we adopted in 2020! I love love LOVE decorating my home. I blog about my home remodeling, I have a podcast, I published a book, I speak on stages, and I have a whole lotta people who keep up with me on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube where I have over half a million followers.

In 2000, I launched my painting company called “The Magic Brush.” I was spending A TON of time getting my hands dirty and transforming spaces inside my clients’ homes. Then I started having kids so employed lots of other talented women to paint while I stayed home and marketed the business. I loved what we were doing, but I was burning the candle at both ends. I knew I had maxed out my income potential in Kansas City because there were no more hours in the day and I didn’t want to hire more people. And, did I mention, I’m a mom? More time was not on the table. Can I get an ‘Amen’ from the mamas out there?

I loved what we were doing, but I was burning the candle at both ends. I knew there had to be a better way.

So, I joined my first business group online and tried to learn from other entrepreneurs who were working in the online space.

Long story short(ish), I began creating video tutorials to teach people how to paint their own cabinets instead of my team painting their cabinets for them. You know, that whole give a man a fish or teach a man to fish thing? Like that, only with more flair and… paint.

Then what?

That DIY video business grew to 6 figures… fast.

Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t like I snapped my fingers and the rest was history. I just switched my focus. I focused on getting more followers online and building the heck out of my email list. And those efforts paid off.

As people started to perk up and notice my success, the questions started rolling in about how I built my business.

  • How did I get so many followers?
  • How did I pivot my local business to the online space?

The more time I spent with creatives, the more I caught the coaching bug.

That’s when I knew this is what I am passionate about.

Teaching women how to build businesses online.

There are all kinds of entrepreneurs out there who just don’t know how to take the hobby they’re passionate about and build a business around it.

We’re talking people who have amazing talent and skill and education and DRIVE! Everything this world needs to see! They just need reliable instruction and encouragement to make it happen. They need someone who can speak and teach from experience. That’s where I come in.

You don’t need tohustle

You CAN build a business that honors your faith and your family without working nonstop.

Find Out How

Jennifer Allwood helps creative business owners reach 6 figures, 7 figures and beyond.

Business Mentoring and Coaching

Right now, I coach more than 2,000 people in my online Creators’ Inner Circle Program. This is where I teach business owners how to grow their social media following and reach more customers.

I also offer a 7-week course, The Better Way Program, to teach people how to monetize the audience they have worked so hard to build. It’s a crash course on making money in 8 different ways online, at home, while you raise your family… (and by the way, 8 ways is biblical… Ecclesiastes 11:2).

Learn More

Then, there’s my weekly podcast where I dive into specific topics about how to start and manage a business. This one’s a FREEBIE! All you have to do is put headphones in those pretty little ears of yours and give me a listen. Disclaimer: I get really real on this podcast.

Listen Now

Press & Media

If you are interested in Jennifer being on your podcast or speaking at your event, please email us at [email protected]. Hear some of her podcast interviews and other appearances below.

These are a few of my favorite things
Things I love to do
  • Be on podcasts
  • Be a guest on online summits
  • Speak!
  • Coach in other biz groups
  • Tell my story
  • Be in magazines
  • Be on TV

I am happy to discuss your needs and see if my message fits your audience. Email us at [email protected].

Topics I love to discuss
  • How to build a massive, engaged audience online
  • How to work from home while raising kiddos
  • How to set up multiple revenue streams for your online business (I have 7 revenue streams currently)
  • How to shift from working “in the field” to going all in online
  • How to set up RECURRING revenue streams in your business (I have over 2,000 people in my monthly groups averaging $45K in monthly revenue)
  • Charging what you are worth (and not apologizing for it)
  • How to step into your God-given purpose as a working woman and not feel GUILTY about working or making money
  • How our excuses as women for why we don’t start a business are totally lame (common excuses are not knowing where to start or starting when the kids are gone)
  • Women + money + biz


September 3, 2021 in Articles

Meet Jennifer Allwood of The Creators’ Inner Circle

In this interview with VoyageKC, Jennifer Allwood shares how she got where she is today, including some of the challenges she had to overcome. Unlike most business coaches, Jennifer uniquely integrates faith with strategy.
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February 9, 2021 in Articles

Imperium Group and WebMetrix Group Announces Top 20 Books for the Young and Experienced Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs know that becoming better in business goes beyond learning new business strategies. It also incorporates personal development, health, finance, and understanding yourself better, so that you can do your best work.
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January 1, 2021 in Articles

This Entrepreneur Made Two Million by Mastering the Art of Membership Sites

What started off as the worst thing to happen in Jennifer Allwood’s career eventually turned into the best. Back in 2000, she was laid off from her software development job.
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June 9, 2020 in Articles

Feeling Stuck? Read This.

Now, more than ever before, I am connecting with so many women who are feeling stuck in their lives, unable to move toward the thing that they want and the thing that God calls them to do. They are terrified of what the future may hold.
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May 25, 2020 in Articles

Bible Gateway Blog: Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

We all like safe. It’s human nature to avoid hard things, and our normal tendency is to drift toward the safe thing in order to protect ourselves. I mean, who honestly likes to be scared?
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May 3, 2020 in Articles

HERLIFE Magazine: Jennifer Allwood: No Excuses, No Fear

NO EXCUSES, NO FEAR. Fear can be a healthy and unhealthy aspect of our lives, especially for women.
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May 1, 2020 in Articles

Podcast Magazine: A Sweet Kick in the Booty

I had to giggle as Jennifer Allwood described her show—mostly because she couldn’t have been more accurate. Her podcast is equal parts self-help reality check and “you-can-do-it” motivation.
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April 8, 2020 in Articles

Mama, You Can’t Preach Bravery and Be Paralyzed by Fear

Our daughter, Ava (#ohAva as she is known on social media), was making brownies last night. I’ve been working hard at getting my life and my waist right, so I’ve been trying to get off the sugar train.
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February 29, 2020 in Articles

Top Personal Development Podcasts 2020

Jennifer gives it to you straight, but with so much love! This is the one for handmade and creative business owners, and helps us with mindset and practical stuff like how important it is not to rely on an external source such as Etsy.
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February 2, 2020 in Articles

Best New Books for Christian Women Leaders in 2020

Leaders are readers…right? Although my “To Be Read” stack is a mile high, there are so many great books for Christian women leaders coming out in 2020, I’ve already started pre-ordering them.
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February 1, 2020 in Articles

6 Strategies to Recession-Proof Your Small Business

“The time to recession-proof your business is now. Once the economy starts to downturn, it may be too late to turn the ship and make the changes you need to so your business survives, and even thrives, in a worsening economy,” warns Belinda Rosenblum, CPA, and money strategist for entrepreneurs.
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Radio & Podcast

February 18, 2021 in Radio & Podcast

A Splash of Color: Jennifer Allwood on the Power of Creativity, Faith, and Marketing

Our aim is to inspire you and let’s face it… you aren’t inspired when you hear about success. Real inspiration comes from hearing someone’s lowest moment, and rising with their success.
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August 11, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

Crazy Blessed with Hannah Kelley: Takeover Tuesday with Jennifer Allwood

She's one fearless woman! Actually, she's not exempt from fear; she just doesn't let it stand in her way. Find out how you can overcome fear and live your greatest life with our special guest, Jennifer Allwood.
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July 11, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

REBEL Parenting: Episode 373 Mom’s on the Mic with Jennifer Allwood

We are so excited to have Jennifer Allwood with us today and her book, “Fear is Not the Boss of You.” So if you’re sitting there listening and you’re like, “Oh man, I have fear!” … We are excited to tackle this topic with Jennifer today.
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July 8, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

Glambition® Radio with Ali Brown: Episode 217 with Jennifer Allwood

Throughout her life, Jennifer Allwood has harnessed her faith to transform a fair share of closed doors into the most beautifully decorated, Pinterest-famous (literally!) windows. She teaches thousands of women how to embrace their talents and create opportunity through her faith-based online coaching.
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June 1, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

The Alli Worthington Show: How to get unstuck with Jennifer Allwood

Two blonde curly-headed, business coaching, Jesus-loving, podcasters are together today! We are diving into the story behind her latest book “Fear is Not the Boss of You,” the lessons Jennifer has gained from coaching women, and how we can all stop self-sabotage and get unstuck!
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April 27, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

The Live Free Podcast with Micala Quinn: Episode 110 with Jennifer Allwood

Are you waiting for your fear to subside to take that leap, build that business or follow that dream? In this episode we are talking about how fear is normal and it’s not going away BUT it isn’t the boss of you or me!
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April 14, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

Jesus Over Everything with Lisa Whittle: Episode 30 with Jennifer Allwood

Today on Joe, Lisa welcomes entrepreneur, business coach, and author of new book, “Fear is Not the Boss of You: How to Get Out of Your Head and Live the Life You Were Made For.” They discuss overexplaining, overworking, and how sometimes women are scared to succeed. Don’t miss it.
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April 13, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

Andy’s 30 Second Book Club: Interview with Jennifer Allwood

It may be hard to feel like you can show up for your life right now. How do you keep going without feeling guilt, fear, or being overwhelmed? Jennifer Allwood is a business coach and has helped thousands of clients in following their dreams.
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April 5, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

Hello Courageous with Melissa Scott: Episode 71 with Jennifer Allwood

Fear tries to control. But Jennifer explains when we get our perspective right, it can’t win! The life lessons in her book are so relatable and it’s as if she is giving us permission to address the hard yucky feelings we would like to ignore, by laying them out herself.
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April 2, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

Dear Daughters with Susie Davis: Episode 122 with Jennifer Allwood

YOU can do big, hard, and scary things. Jennifer has found freedom in her business, her time, her finances, and most importantly, her faith, through years of releasing more and more over to God.
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March 30, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

Graceologie with Gwen Smith: Episode 94 with Jennifer Allwood

Business coach, podcast host and new author, Jennifer Allwood joins me on the Graceologie Podcast with a gutsy invitation for you to go after the big dream God has called you to… because FEAR IS NOT THE BOSS OF YOU!
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March 26, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

With Intention with Desirae Endres: Episode 76 with Jennifer Allwood

Today I talk with Jennifer Allwood, author of “Fear is Not the Boss of You,” about why we so often feel stuck as women and how we can move past this feeling and move beyond our fears.
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March 2, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

Inside the Greenroom: Episode 39 with Jennifer Allwood

In this episode, we discuss how to build your audience and business through online stages, and Jennifer has done it better than most! We get tactical on what it really takes to build an engaging audience with online stages.
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January 13, 2020 in Radio & Podcast

The Ray Edwards Show with Jennifer Allwood

Does fear ever hold you back? Keep you from being the best version of yourself? Does it rob today of its joy and tomorrow of its promise? Well, that’s all about to end, because we’ve got news: fear is not the boss of you.
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November 13, 2019 in Radio & Podcast

Entrepreneurs on Fire: Revenue Streams with Jennifer Allwood

Jennifer Allwood is a dynamic business coach and host of The Jennifer Allwood Show podcast. She has an infectious enthusiasm for helping creative women build their platforms and turn their talents into lucrative businesses.
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June 3, 2019 in Radio & Podcast

Dream Cast: Episode 126 with Jennifer Allwood

Jennifer Allwood has amazing nuggets of knowledge and wisdom to share. This conversation includes the mindset behind building an audience of future customers, going from “creative” to “business expert,” why charging your worth isn’t always true, fitting multiple income sources into your business, and more.
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June 3, 2019 in Radio & Podcast

Gift Biz Unwrapped: Episode 217 with Jennifer Allwood

Jennifer shares her infectious enthusiasm for helping like-minded creative women build their social media followers and turn their talents and hobbies into lucrative online businesses. She has a gift for creating relationships and showing up for each one of them.
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April 24, 2019 in Radio & Podcast

The Self-Employed Life: Episode 487 with Jennifer Allwood

Jennifer shares with the Creative Warriors audience how to make your business scalable by utilizing your online platform and charging to teach others all over the world how to do what you do.
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April 15, 2019 in Radio & Podcast

Kindled: Episode 59 with Jennifer Allwood

Haley Williams chats with Jennifer about how she has the audacity to charge what she’s worth, how she grew from a service business to a 6-revenue stream business that helped her husband retire from his corporate job, and how she’s chooses to be a “Yes Girl” for God.
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April 11, 2019 in Radio & Podcast

Faith Positive Radio: Jennifer Allwood

Hear Jennifer talk with Dr. Joey about the intersection of faith and creativity! She also talks about her Equipped Conference, “a conference where business and faith collide.”
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April 9, 2019 in Radio & Podcast

That Mom Show: Takeover Tuesday with Jennifer Allwood

Do you want to get away and GROW? Jennifer talks all about her conference (the one she secretly didn’t want to have).
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April 8, 2019 in Radio & Podcast

The Driven Entrepreneur: Episode 114 with Jennifer Allwood

Jennifer Allwood sits down with Matt Brauning to discuss business, faith and her entrepreneurial journey.
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April 5, 2019 in Radio & Podcast

Gospel Centered Health: Episode 12 with Jennifer Allwood

Mendy Shriver interviews Jennifer about saying “YES” to God’s call to do those big scary things. Jennifer shares her passion for adoption, her love for Jesus, and a few hard lessons along the way. She drops a lot of encouragement and wisdom in this podcast.
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December 10, 2018 in Radio & Podcast

She Walks in Truth: Episode 90 with Jennifer Allwood

Jennifer joins the show to talk about the Equipped Conference for Christian women in business who desire to arm themselves with tools to do business God’s way.
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Television & News

April 22, 2019 in Television & News

FOX 4: How to rock your biz without sacrificing the life you live

Jennifer Allwood prepares to host her first conference in Kansas City. The focus of Equipped: running a successful business, balancing family and work, and staying true to your faith.
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June 2, 2020 in Television & News

KCTV5: Live the life you were meant to live

Author Jennifer Allwood explains how you can get rid of guilt, fear and the idea of being overwhelmed, in her new book “Fear is not the Boss of You.” Allwood advises how to live the life you were meant to live.
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April 22, 2019 in Television & News

FOX 4: How to rock your biz without sacrificing the life you live

Jennifer Allwood prepares to host her first conference in Kansas City. The focus of Equipped: running a successful business, balancing family and work, and staying true to your faith.
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October 2, 2018 in Television & News

KCTV5: How to design a room that kids will love

Bill Hurrelbrink got some expert help from home blogger Jennifer Allwood on designing a room that kids will love.
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May 31, 2017 in Television & News

FOX 4: How to update your outdoor living space for less than $110

Jennifer Allwood gave her patio a makeover, and she let FOX 4 tag along to observe how she transformed her deck for less than $110.
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April 28, 2017 in Television & News

FOX 4: How you can use social media to turn your hobby into extra cash

With the power of social media, lots of moms are turning their favorite hobbies into growing business. Jennifer Allwood from The Magic Brush sat down with Kim Byrnes to share some practices that helped turn her crafting hobby into a full-time job.
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May 11, 2016 in Television & News

FOX 4: DIY crafts to get your home ready for summer

Jennifer Allwood from The Magic Brush shares some fun and easy DIY projects involving moss. Many of the projects can be created from items found around the home to keep costs to a minimum.
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December 16, 2015 in Television & News

FOX 4: Christmas front porch decor ideas

The front porch is the first thing family and friends typically see when they come over for holiday parties. Jennifer Allwood from The Magic Brush broke down how to make a few of her favorite decorations that will set your house apart from your neighbors.
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November 24, 2015 in Television & News

FOX 4: Disposable table decor to make for easy cleanup

There’s not a lot of extra time around the holidays, so when it comes time to cleanup, everyone is exhausted. Jennifer Allwood from The Magic Brush shared some tips for decorating your table with dishes and decor that cleanup easy.
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November 5, 2015 in Television & News

FOX 4: Perks of enrolling in trendy personal shopping services

When you live a busy lifestyle, shopping can often be a low priority. Jennifer Allwood of The Magic Brush joined FOX 4 to share more on the trendy personal shopping companies.
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September 2, 2015 in Television & News

FOX 4: Freshen up your light fixtures with a few simple steps

When temperatures finally begin to cool, many homeowners decide it’s time to finally get started on a few of the outdoor projects to upgrade the look of their home before the frigid air rolls in. Jennifer Allwood of The Magic Brush shared some of her secrets for making those light…
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August 12, 2015 in Television & News

FOX 4: Unique potting ideas for your front porch

DIY guru and owner of The Magic Brush Jennifer Allwood has lots of ideas for spring. With unique potting ideas for your front porch Allwood shared fun and creative ways to reuse your pots.
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August 5, 2015 in Television & News

FOX 4: Greet your teacher with a back-to-school gift

Parents usually think of getting teachers a gift at the end of the school year, but “mompreneur” and blogger Jennifer Allwood says a back-to-school gift makes a nice gesture. Allwood said she likes to create what she calls a “brown nosing bucket.”
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