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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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This stage of life? It’s hard too. (My love letter in response to the Austin Mom’s blog) Faith, Family, & AdoptionAll PostsJennifer Allwood HomeAllwood

This stage of life? It’s hard too. (My love letter in response to the Austin Mom’s blog)

(yes, this pic is 6 months old because at this stage in life, it's a miracle to get the whole family in a decent picture once a year!) I had several friends who recently posted links on Facebook to this amazing article written by the Austin Mom's Blog. Just reading…
May 14, 2017
How my 14 year old son changed my business forever DIY Projectscreative entrepreneurworking momwork from homedo it yourselfBusiness TrainingFaith, Family, & AdoptionBusiness trainingJennifer Allwood HomeAllwood

How my 14 year old son changed my business forever

14 years ago today, our son Noah was born and made me a mother.   Life has never ever been the same.  I had no idea the sheer joy that motherhood would bring. At the time we had Noah, I had only had my Magic Brush painting business for a little over a…
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December 14, 2015
Dear teachers: they didn’t read much. creative entrepreneurworking momwork from homedo it yourselfBusiness TrainingFaith, Family, & AdoptionDIY ProjectsAll PostsJennifer Allwood HomeAllwood

Dear teachers: they didn’t read much.

  Summer is winding down.  We are literally days away from our 3 kiddos starting their new school year. And all the sudden, I'm feeling the end of summer scramble coming on.  How can we squeeze out one more trip to the pool?  One last trip out of town?  One last sleep over? …
August 10, 2015