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How to advertise for a garage sale with clever signs

We had a neighborhood garage sale this weekend and I had tons and tons of things to sell as we continue to change our home over from the brown and gold palette to the grays and creams.  I needed big traffic to get rid of ALOT of brown things.

So I decided to make fancy schmancy signs to advertise for the garage sale.  And they worked!  EVERYONE was talking about them! And it was one of our most profitable sales ever!

How to advertise for a garage sale with clever signs

They literally took minutes apiece but were totally worth the time!



How to advertise for a garage sale with clever signs

They were huge and funny and so bright!  And it was my mom’s idea to write this one!



How to advertise for a garage sale with clever signs

I bought the hot pink foam board at Target last week.  Mr. Magic put them together for me and made them all two-sided by using metal frames in between the foam boards. They were an awesome way to advertise for a garage sale. Here’s a set of poster boards from Target that has all the fun bright colors and Amazon has some great foam board HERE


How to advertise for a garage sale with clever signs

I had so much fun coming up with crazy things to say!


How to advertise for a garage sale with clever signs

I even started glittering some signs because who can say no to a glittered garage sale sign????  I have a short video here or push play below. I think glitter must help to advertise for a garage sale.



How to advertise for a garage sale with clever signs

Since I have had garage sale signs get stolen in the past (true story…. we used to have painted wooden signs), I thought I would be smart and write this on the back of every one.

Well, darn it anyway.  We still had one sign (with 2 cute sides) get stolen!  I’m installing trackers on them for the next sale in the fall! ha!

If you enjoyed the these signs that advertise for a garage sale, I’d love for you to PIN them and share with your friends!  Also, I had one more idea and so if you make it, email me a picture!  Someone needs to make one that says “Don’t judge me by my junk!”.  Classic! (I finally did my own! See below)

If you liked these clever marketing ideas and you are selling painting furniture, check out my post on how to play up your furniture’s assets. These tips will help you to transform furniture into pieces that will SELL.

I also have an eye-catching idea for booth spaces, store fronts and antique vendors that will help you get more traffic! Look at how I used this mannequin to get more traffic to a home show I was attending. More traffic = more leads = more sales.





how to advertise for a Garage Sale with Clever Signs


  • I’m so copying this!! Thank you for sharing them! I had a fit over them when you posted them on your Facebook page and shared them on mine. 🙂 We’re having a giant yard sale this weekend, if it doesn’t rain, and I’m thinking of which ones I can use and where. Called in the ad this morning and called it a 3 family hoarders sale. One moved, one divorced and one purging 3 storage units (that’d be me). Headed over to the units to work now.

  • Janel says:

    Can you show how Mr. Magic put the signs together. Where do you get the metal frames from?

  • Hi Jennifer! Love your fancy schmancy garage sale signs and your funny sunny personality! I’m your newest big fan.

    ~ Kristi Trent Kirk, Oklahoma City

    P.S. Could you please tell me how Mr. Magic attached the foam board signs to the metal frames?

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