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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo
Dear teachers: they didn’t read much. work from homedo it yourselfBusiness TrainingFaith, Family, & AdoptionDIY ProjectsAll PostsJennifer Allwood HomeAllwoodworking momcreative entrepreneur

Dear teachers: they didn’t read much.

  Summer is winding down.  We are literally days away from our 3 kiddos starting their new school year. And all the sudden, I'm feeling the end of summer scramble coming on.  How can we squeeze out one more trip to the pool?  One last trip out of town?  One last sleep over? …
August 10, 2015
STILL don’t see the value of Pinterest for your business? Pinterest trainingwork from homedo it yourselfBusiness TrainingBusiness trainingDIY ProjectsAll PostsJennifer Allwood HomeAllwood

STILL don’t see the value of Pinterest for your business?

My web developer sent me my google analytics today for the month of April.  My referral numbers are so interesting that I HAVE to show you.  Look at line 2.  Pinterest!  My PINTEREST account is my 2nd leading referral source and sent 2,368 people to my website last month.  And I…
May 8, 2015