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Painted Floor Vents to match Hardware Floors | Magic Brush
Paint your ugly FLOOR VENTS to blend in to your wood floor! AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY ProjectsMy Old HomePainting projectspaint

Paint your ugly FLOOR VENTS to blend in to your wood floor!

Listen, friends don't let friends have ugly, obnoxious, glaring vents in their floor. I realize this is a first world problem, but paying attention to little details like this makes all the difference in your home.   You may remember that we recently pulled up all our carpet on the…
February 20, 2017
Leather ottoman makeover – and how to use leather paint on anything leather! AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY Projectspaintdo it yourselffurniture

Leather ottoman makeover – and how to use leather paint on anything leather!

  I am obsessed with leather paint. You may remember this leather recliner that I made over last year! Well I had a stool that I wanted to makeover for you also! Refreshing leather with a leather paint is a one-step process and goes super quick!!!! It's a lot of bang for your…
February 14, 2017
Need to clean paint brushes with dried paint on them??? I have the fix for you!!!! AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeDIY ProjectsFaux finishpaintdo it yourself

Need to clean paint brushes with dried paint on them??? I have the fix for you!!!!

  So last week I finished painting this buffet for my Paint Finish of the Month Club.  And in typical #hotmess fashion, I was so excited to get the piece put back together and get the top decorated that I failed to wash my paint brushes out right away. Dang…
January 21, 2016
How to make a ginormously huge chalkboard for your home! AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsColor trendsDIY Projectsdecoratingpaintdo it yourselfchalkboard paint

How to make a ginormously huge chalkboard for your home!

We finally, finally got my huge, oversized chalkboard framed and done.  This was one of those little projects that just kept going.... for like 2 months!  We just couldn't seem to make time to finish it.  But.... it's done and I couldn't be happier.  Please pretend not to notice that we still…
January 14, 2016
Joy to the World Christmas pallet project AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsColor trendsDIY Projectsdecoratingpaintdo it yourselfholidaysStencilchristmas

Joy to the World Christmas pallet project

  I finished my JOY to the World Christmas pallet project for my front steps!!!!  I'm obsessed with the word JOY.  "The JOY of the Lord is my strength," says Nehemiah 8:10.  Joy is a choice.  And I want to be covered in it!  LITERALLY. **Note this post does contain affiliate links. I…
December 9, 2015