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Painted Floor Vents to match Hardware Floors | Magic Brush

Listen, friends don’t let friends have ugly, obnoxious, glaring vents in their floor.

I realize this is a first world problem, but paying attention to little details like this makes all the difference in your home.


Painted Floor Vents to match Hardware Floors | Magic Brush

You may remember that we recently pulled up all our carpet on the first floor of our home and had new hardwood floors put in.  (For those of you considering a project like that…. I can’t understand why we waited so long…. go now and read this article and get it scheduled!)

The floors turned out absolutely GORGEOUS, but I didn’t like that the new floor vents were a light color on my dark floor.



Painted Floor Vents to match Hardware Floors | Magic Brush


So I painted them!

Now listen, yes I could have bought dark vents, but I wanted them to actually look like wood. 

And this was a 5-minute project on a Friday night that anyone can do.

This project does contain affiliate links. These are links for products that I use and love and will make your projects easier!


Painted Floor Vents to match Hardware Floors | Magic Brush

You will need:

  • A rag
  • An assortment of brushes like these or these
  • Acrylic paints in black, chocolate brown and dark chocolate color (this set would probably work so you can just order them from home!)
  • A straight edge like a yardstick to paint your “seam”

You can watch how I painted the vents quickly on this video:

  • at 2 minutes I show you my tip to “store” all my acrylic paints in one of these cool wooden toolboxes
  • at 13 minutes I show you how to paint a dark “seam” on the vent so it looks like a slat of wood
  • at 14 minutes I explain why I didn’t just spray paint them

See wasn’t that easy?

Painted Floor Vents to match Hardware Floors | Magic Brush

Don’t forget to paint your edges of the vent and to get down into the vent!

I know this is a little detail, but seriously these little details make a big difference! You can’t even see these floor vents anymore! 

Painted Floor Vents to match Hardware Floors | Magic Brush

And I also recommend you paint all of your WALL vents. I can’t stand white vents on gorgeous painted walls. I forgive you if you’ve got them, but go paint them now. lol. 

Happy painting,


Want more help with paint choices? Watch my FREE Paint Guide video which explains the differences between latex, chalk-type and oil-based paints!


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Painted Floor Vents | How to paint floor vents to match hardwood floors | Painting Tips by Jennifer Allwood






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