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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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Over the top, pink fall decor for Breast Cancer Awareness Month AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY ProjectsdecoratingFaux finishpaintdo it yourselffall decorPinterest training

Over the top, pink fall decor for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

  Last year, one of my clients turned friends (I call them a "cli-end" or a "fr-ient"..... don't you love it when that happens???) asked me to make a fall/pumpkin display for a Breast Cancer Awareness project in our Kansas City area. I was honored to come up with these pink…
October 27, 2015
HARVEST Barnwood sign for fall – my pin that is going VIRAL on Pinterest! AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY ProjectsdecoratingFaux finishpaintdo it yourselffall decorrepurpose

HARVEST Barnwood sign for fall – my pin that is going VIRAL on Pinterest!

  This Harvest Sign is such a quick, easy burst of fall color for your front steps! Partner it with some mums and pumpkins and.... boom. Fall front porch decor = D.U.N. (yes, I know how to spell)! I will show you how to make this in a few easy steps…
October 14, 2015
Need some motivation on that fall project? AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeColor trendsDIY ProjectsFaux finishpaintcabinetsdo it yourselfIslandfall decor

Need some motivation on that fall project?

  Fall if my favorite time to do house projects because I'm in total nesting mode for the holidays!!!!  It's also the best time of year to do the projects that require less humidity (cabinets and garage doors).  And, you can open windows.  Have a paint party.  Paint during football…
September 5, 2015
Our kitchen gray cabinets transformation: from gold —–> gray Color trendsAllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostspaintcabinetsPinterest training

Our kitchen gray cabinets transformation: from gold —–> gray

Transforming our house has been a slooooooooooooooooooooow process. But we are making headway with our new gray cabinets!!!    (photo cred to ES Photography in Kansas City who did our real estate photos) Many of you may remember when our kitchen looked like this.  I know in this professional photo…
July 20, 2015
We DIY’d a marquee light out of a garage sale find! AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY ProjectsFaux finishpaintdo it yourselffurniturerepurposePinterest training

We DIY’d a marquee light out of a garage sale find!

We've had so many questions about the huge "A" marquee light that I showed in the reveal of our rusty tin valance project.  That "A" is literally one of my favorite things in our house!  At night, it glows like jewelry in the room!  And it's such a whimsical mix next…
June 3, 2015