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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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My bath curtain. My bronze truffle cabinets. My lack of sewing skills. AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeDIY ProjectsdecoratingFaux finishcabinetsdo it yourselfwork from homeworking momfurnitureStencilPinterest training

My bath curtain. My bronze truffle cabinets. My lack of sewing skills.

  On Monday I blogged about the new bath caddy that the amazing Mr. Magic made for me.  It's gorgeous and perfect and ONLY LOOKS THAT GOOD WHEN I HAVE IT STAGED FOR PICTURES.  Lol.  The rest of the time I am wrangling Ava's toys off of it (have you seen the…
August 28, 2015
Our kitchen gray cabinets transformation: from gold —–> gray AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsColor trendspaintcabinetsPinterest training

Our kitchen gray cabinets transformation: from gold —–> gray

Transforming our house has been a slooooooooooooooooooooow process. But we are making headway with our new gray cabinets!!!    (photo cred to ES Photography in Kansas City who did our real estate photos) Many of you may remember when our kitchen looked like this.  I know in this professional photo…
July 20, 2015
Perhaps the cutest lemonade stand ever (but I may be a little biased) AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY ProjectsFaux finishdo it yourselffurniturechalkboard paintPinterest training

Perhaps the cutest lemonade stand ever (but I may be a little biased)

A few years back we were hired to faux paint a client's laundry room walls. While working in her home, I noticed she had an awesome lemonade stand for her children in her garage.  It was so stinkin' cute and I tried HARD to get her to sell it to…
June 18, 2015
We DIY’d a marquee light out of a garage sale find! AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY ProjectsFaux finishpaintdo it yourselffurniturerepurposePinterest training

We DIY’d a marquee light out of a garage sale find!

We've had so many questions about the huge "A" marquee light that I showed in the reveal of our rusty tin valance project.  That "A" is literally one of my favorite things in our house!  At night, it glows like jewelry in the room!  And it's such a whimsical mix next…
June 3, 2015
We made a repurposed cornice board from old rusty tin panels! AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsColor trendsDIY ProjectsMy Old HomedecoratingFaux finishpaintdo it yourselfwork from homeworking momfurniturecreative entrepreneurrepurpose

We made a repurposed cornice board from old rusty tin panels!

  I am over here doing a happy dance at how my rusted tin repurposed cornice board just turned out!!!!!  Rusted tin is my 2nd love language (right behind glitter).  It makes my heart beat fast.  And I know what you're thinking.... how can I love glitter AND rust at…
May 20, 2015
Baseball Home Plate Front Door Decoration (ps… perfect for a Father’s Day gift!) AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY ProjectsdecoratingFaux finishpaintBusiness Trainingdo it yourselfrepurposePinterest training

Baseball Home Plate Front Door Decoration (ps… perfect for a Father’s Day gift!)

I'm so in love with my new baseball front door decor! And by the looks of my Facebook page, so are you!  It's been one of my most popular posts being viewed over 158,000 times and shared over 1300 times already.   HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE??????   Thanks…
May 14, 2015