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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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My bath curtain. My bronze truffle cabinets. My lack of sewing skills. AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeDIY ProjectsdecoratingFaux finishcabinetsdo it yourselfwork from homeworking momfurnitureStencilPinterest training

My bath curtain. My bronze truffle cabinets. My lack of sewing skills.

  On Monday I blogged about the new bath caddy that the amazing Mr. Magic made for me.  It's gorgeous and perfect and ONLY LOOKS THAT GOOD WHEN I HAVE IT STAGED FOR PICTURES.  Lol.  The rest of the time I am wrangling Ava's toys off of it (have you seen the…
August 28, 2015
How to make a chalkboard from an old thrift store print (easy gift idea!) do it yourselfAllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeDIY ProjectsFaux finishchalkboard paintrepurpose

How to make a chalkboard from an old thrift store print (easy gift idea!)

  I'm going to show you how to make a chalkboard from an old framed print. I recently painted this turquoise chalkboard as giveaway for a friend for the Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association.  Most of you know my hubby and I tried for 4 years to adopt from foster…
August 18, 2015
Dear teachers: they didn’t read much. AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY ProjectsFaith, Family, & AdoptionBusiness Trainingdo it yourselfwork from homeworking momcreative entrepreneur

Dear teachers: they didn’t read much.

  Summer is winding down.  We are literally days away from our 3 kiddos starting their new school year. And all the sudden, I'm feeling the end of summer scramble coming on.  How can we squeeze out one more trip to the pool?  One last trip out of town?  One last sleep over? …
August 10, 2015
How to PAINT kitchen tile AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsColor trendsDIY ProjectsdecoratingFaux finishBusiness Trainingcabinetsdo it yourselfcreative entrepreneurPinterest training

How to PAINT kitchen tile

I am in love with our newly painted kitchen cabinets.  But the tile and the countertops are like a total buzz kill for me.  So.much.brown.  I have plans to switch them both out for more contemporary colors and finishes, but until then.... I painted my tile!     How to…
July 30, 2015
Perhaps the cutest lemonade stand ever (but I may be a little biased) AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeAll PostsDIY ProjectsFaux finishdo it yourselffurniturechalkboard paintPinterest training

Perhaps the cutest lemonade stand ever (but I may be a little biased)

A few years back we were hired to faux paint a client's laundry room walls. While working in her home, I noticed she had an awesome lemonade stand for her children in her garage.  It was so stinkin' cute and I tried HARD to get her to sell it to…
June 18, 2015