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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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Are you a list maker? Your lists could be hindering you from getting things done! All Postswork from homeblogworking mom

Are you a list maker? Your lists could be hindering you from getting things done!

  I have always prided myself in being a list-maker. I come from a long line of list-making women and baby, we are efficient. List-makers rock. List-makers get stuff done. List-makers make the world go round! I used to get A's in my elementary school grade card on "uses time wisely".  I…
October 23, 2014
Jennifer Allwood Overwhelm
OMGosh. I can’t believe they just commented that….. creative entrepreneurworking momwork from homeBusiness trainingJennifer Allwood HomeAllwood

OMGosh. I can’t believe they just commented that…..

Ok, I know you've seen them.  The comments on Facebook that are just so..... rude.  Mean spirited.  Downright nasty.  I've almost come to expect it on news pages with hot topics like politics or blogs like the famous Matt Walch's. But more and more I am seeing hateful comments on decorating and…
September 17, 2014
And then there was the time a girl pushed my son right off the playground equipment…. Allwoodadoptionworking momwork from homedo it yourselfBusiness TrainingFaith, Family, & AdoptionAll PostsJennifer Allwood Home

And then there was the time a girl pushed my son right off the playground equipment….

  So I can't get this story out of my mind. And usually that means until I blog about it, it's going to sit there..... bugging me like a strand of gray hair or a picture on my wall that I noticed is hung too high.  You understand. And so…
August 14, 2014
You still have time to make a Teacher Pail (a.k.a. “Brown Nosing Bucket”) Allwoodchristmasworking momwork from homedo it yourselfFaux finishdecoratingAll PostsJennifer Allwood Home

You still have time to make a Teacher Pail (a.k.a. “Brown Nosing Bucket”)

We have "Back to School Night" tonight!  So in typical "Jennifer style"..... I was making "teacher pails" or "teacher bucket gifts" for my kids' new teachers....LAST NIGHT.  With just hours to spare.  Screeching in on 2 wheels.  I know some of you creatives can relate!  We work best last minute and under…
August 11, 2014