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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo

Can I type “crap” and still love Jesus?  I think I can. Ha.

Every year in January, my business slows down some.  I used to freak out and think I was going under and stay awake with a tummy ache at night (so dramatic).  Until I got wise to the fact that after getting a good butt kicking every November and December (everyone wants their house painted before the holidays!), my January downtime was actually r-e-f-r-e-s-h-i-n-g.January's Downtime Slow

I also noticed that as soon as February hit, all of the stay-at-home moms had kids back in school and were staring at their walls again….itching to have them changed.  Tax returns were starting to come in, so people were anxious to spend it.  Holiday decor was put away and homeowners were feeling like their homes were blah and ready to get back to remodeling/redecorating.  Spring fever is setting in.  So, when February hit, worked picked right back up!

So after a few years I quit freaking out about the downtime and figured out things to do in January to set myself up for success the rest of the year.  And it geared me up for all the incoming work.

If your business slows down in January too, don’t panic.  I have a list of things you can focus on:

  • Paperwork- purging/sorting – you don’t need all that crap
  • Taxes – you DO need this crap
  • Cleaning out my portfolio – get rid of the stuff you hate and isn’t selling anyway
  • Cleaning out my studio – a 2 person job for several days
  • Touching base with clients who I’ve bid but who have not responded – sometimes they need reminded!
  • Reaching out to magazines for articles- yes it’s ok to pimp yourself
  • Networking – social, real life, over the phone….it all matters
  • Setting goals for the year – I have 16 business goals for 2015.  How about you?
  • Looking at my marketing plan for the year – where to spend my marketing $ wisely
  • Work on new samples – and trash the old ones
  • Study what’s trending- also called Pinterest….lol

I actually LOVE my slow Januarys downtime.  It allows me time to do the things I’ve avoided and put off the rest of the year.  So I encourage you to use your downtime wisely.  Think like a business person and continue to focus on your business, even when you are slow and in the middle of a downtime!  It’s the perfect time to work on growing it!

Bless you,


Take advantage of your downtime! Finally take that business training you’ve been eyeing! For instance … check out my Creative  Entrepreneurs Inner Circle! My monthly group is perfect for business owners who want to make more money and grow their small business. I’ll show you how to build your social media, steward your time, hire good help and set up your business in a way that helps you live the life you want.

For more business guidance and mentorship, including courses in Pinterest and Pricing, please go to my business training page.


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