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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo

Ok, I know this is a business blog and not a personal blog…. but my blog… my rules.

I just gotta show off my middle child for a moment. He came to work with me for a few hours this morning. I needed to figure out the stripe width in a little boy’s bedroom. Easton… ever the acrobat…. wanted to climb my extension ladder so he could “touch the ceiling”. I think Missy was off to the side having a heart attack (notice her sweet hand there just in case!) Do you think this is OSHA approved????

On the way to our job site, Easton had spotted this cavernous, rock area on the side of a highway. Since he was already wearing his Crocodile Dundee hat and we were going right back past it again… I thought he would get a kick out of me letting him play for 5 minutes!

“Really mom? I can go over there?”

He was off and running!

“Look Ma… no hands!”

Look at the sheer glee on Easton’s face! I don’t even know what this place is…. but it’s every little boy’s dream! I’m guessing it’s not intended for children to play on. But, how could I resist?

He is now telling people this was “the best day of his life”!! Isn’t it amazing how the smallest things can mean so much to a child? With that being said, I am now selling the bikes, the four wheelers, the scooters and building a cavernous, rock area in our backyard!

On a more serious note, it was a good reminder for me today to pay attention to the important things in life… even in the middle of my work day. Something as little as taking 5 minutes out of my day can make a difference in the life of a client, a co-worker, a family member … or a son.

Have a blessed work day!


  • Cathy says:

    He is precious..the smallest things to some can be the biggest to others and can mean so much! You are a good mommy and I’m sure he will always remember this!



  • Shauna says:

    Amen..and thank you for the reminder to focus on whats REALLY important! your a beautiful example of a wonderful mother.

  • Laretha says:

    AWWWW – i can’t believe he got on that tall ladder – i would have had a stroke! 🙂

    You’re a great mom Jen! Love ya girl!

  • hes adorable! love that hat… I miss the hat days… DO share, its all part of YOU!

  • KC Mom says:

    You are a rock star mom. I watch you balance life and work really well.

  • SO true, so true! Boys are the best!!!!!!! I’m just a little partial, what can I say…

  • kari and kijsa says:

    Boys are the best!! We have a handful ourselves- absolute joy, fun and non-stop action!!

    kari & kijsa

  • Fauxology says:

    You have such a wonderful spirit — and post whatever the heck you want. We’ll always enjoy it! I have no children but do have an awesome 4-year old nephew. It’s so nice when we pick him up to go somewhere and he’s like “Tia Regina – you look so beautiful!”. Yeah, he’s getting ice cream. My sister taught him well, LOL! 🙂

  • Girly Stuff says:

    A very cool day for Dr. Jones!

    That will look great in your backyard…with a little distressing and paint…you too can have the Raiders of the Lost Ark look!

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