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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo

Normally I am not a fan of painting your cabinet handles.  I just feel like the oils in your hands will eventually wear the paint off of your handles.  Especially on the cabinets where you keep your chocolate stash and Doritos bags.  Wait, it’s just me? Anyway, painted handles normally scare me.

So I kind of went against my own rules when I decided to buy these cabinet handles at Hobby Lobby recently.

hobby lobby cabinet handle before

I was looking for a long skinny handle for our pantry doors and these were perfect, but the blue was the wrong color.

But I brought them home anyway and did a 30 second paint job on them and we are just going with it.  Maybe it will keep me out of the chocolate stash.  If the paint eventually wears down, it’s at least just on 2 handles and not the entire kitchen, so I’m not worried….  I’ll just redo them.


hobby lobby cabinet handle after painting 2

And aren’t they beautiful when painted?  I’m in love.

In typical #hotmess style, I did a video showing you how I painted them.  You can watch it by going clicking HERE or click below. I ask in advance for forgiveness for my singing voice at the end of the video.  Ewwwww.  This is why I paint and don’t sing.


And here the handles are on our freshly painted kitchen cabinets. Dreamy…

hobby lobby pantry handles


In other news, in celebration of Spring and the Easter holiday, all of my DIY videos are 40% off over the weekend if you use the code SPRINGFLING at checkout.  If you are interested in painting your cabinets like mine and I know some of you are, buy my BEST SELLING video which is the “Cream with a Glaze” and use Sherwin Williams “Cityscape” color instead of cream.  All my videos can be found here.

Happy Easter to you and yours,


PS. I have opened my next mentorship group starting later this month.  Last session, I took 86 people through 6 weeks of training on fear, competition, boundaries, goal setting, hiring and time management.  We had some AMAZING breakthroughs in that class!!!  If you are a small business owner, you MUST master these areas for your business to prosper.  If you are interested in our next session, information can be found at or by clicking here.  I’d love for you to join us.



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