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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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Can you believe, this is our 100th Episode!!! We are doing something really fun to celebrate. So my most favorite person in the world, my husband Jason (aka Mr. Magic) is back!  As everyone is talking about goal setting and resolutions, we wanted to share our year in review, because we know it “looks like we made it” but we still need to have a “HOT” conversation … (honest, open and transparent) … about what we learned this past year. For us, 2018 was the year that EVERYTHING changed.  I hope you enjoy it!

Show Notes

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  • Heather Larson says:

    Just listened to my first Jennifer Allwood Podcast and I am hooked. The kindness, honesty and humor were truly inspiring. Now I just have to go back and listen to the previous 99!!!! Lol ❤😊

  • Cynthia morrism says:

    Just listened to your inspirering get together with your better half ! Totally inspired kiddo for both your efforts 😊 me and my better half ,, Have been married for 31years now together for more ! I thank God 🙏 everyday !!!

  • Cheri Northrup says:

    So so good! God bless you both! 🙏

  • Mary Cumbest says:

    Awesome review of 2018!! Love all u do!!

  • Machelle Green says:

    I simply love love love all from team Allwood 🙂

  • Stacey Judge-Ury says:

    True and candid content every podcast. Each podcast has so many aspects that entice your mind.

  • Ashley Frese says:

    You need to do a separate podcast, just a couples podcast. I loved listening to you both!

  • Yvonne Bullinger says:

    I love your podcasts! They are real, inspiring & really great to listen to. You guys are very relatable! Many blessings to you & your family!


    Aka My Nest

  • Melissa List says:

    Love you two~ Thank you for your H>O>T conversation. Can’t wait to hear what you have next!

  • I think we all need a RED HEART PIN that says I love the Jennifer Allwood Show.
    So very proud of both of you.

  • rhondaJones says:

    Jennifer I started following you on IG in 2018 and immediately was hooked. Although I sold my very successful online business several years and stopped blogging you have inspired me to give that life another whirl…and its simply because I want to join your Inner Circle!! lol…thats how much I admire what you do. I LOVE that so many people are finding success through your guidance and help. Moving along… this Podcast was simply GREAT!! Thanks for sharing so much of your personal life with us. Your family has a beautiful story to tell and I cannot imagine how many people will be inspired by this podcast of you and your husband! Keep doing you thing!!! It’s so inspiring to watch!!

  • Yanina says:

    Thank you both for sharing so openly and heartfelt. Loved listening.

  • Thanks so much Jen & Jason (Mr Magic) !! My husband & I both sat down and listened to this together. It was amazing for both of us.
    My hubby of 40 years, Steve, has been forced to retire on a disability pension due to an incurable disease called Huntington’s Disease. His Mum & Gran died from it in their 60’s & 70’s. He is now a young 61.
    We have declared & commanded healing in Jesus Name as Steve is the first Christian in his family to have been diagnosed with the disease. Soooooo, we believe in God’s plan for our lives and day by day are asking God for His guidance, divine intervention, wisdom, and healing to be a powerful testimony, giving glory to God for His plan; especially for his family who are not saved.
    Each day is His, and each day we have our ups and DOWNS as we deal with this, but through all this we are growing and learning to be together each moment of each day in the business and our everyday happenings. Each day we are seeing doors close and others open. Each day we experience different things – some good and some not so good, and some very difficult, handling the effects on life from all of this. Steve also suffered a heart attack 5 months ago which I am glad to say he has recovered from even though it set him back with the Huntington’s.
    What I am trying to say is, listening to you both brought back the reality that we all have our struggles, and part of 2017 after a bad car accident, & 2018 was it for us too. It was wonderful hearing your ‘HOT’ words – so real and yet so encouraging.
    Thank you for bringing realness into our homes and lives and thank you for reminding us that we are never alone, but with God’s awesome strength in us we are able to forge forward with hope & healing and grow into the amazing people of God He has planned us to be.
    We are supported & blessed by our amazing family of 3 married daughters & 3 awesome son-in-laws and 10 WONDERFUL GRANDKIDDLINGS !!! All following our Father God too.
    What more could we possibly want.
    Blessings and love to your family for 2019

  • TaraSue says:

    Thank you both for doing what you do. I have enjoyed following you on FB for a few years, recently on Instagram and now the Podcasts. My heart is so full listening to your honesty and hearing your words. You are both truly a blessing to one another and I thank you for sharing all you share with those of us who love to follow along.

  • traci gyles says:

    Enjoyed this so much!! Bless you both!!

  • Aleshia says:

    Such a great podcast ! Made me laugh,cry, & smile all at once! Truly a blessing❤️

  • Janice says:

    Very good discussion- such honesty seems rare these days! You both are such an inspiration! Thank you

  • Cynthia Davis Dale says:

    I just listened to all of this with my husband. I am just getting ready to start my business and am encouraged to make this work. Thanks for the “HOT” conversation that you shared with all of us.

  • Traci says:

    Loved this podcast!💜

  • Brenda says:

    Loved this Podcast!! Not a IPhone user. Hope to hear you on Castbox. Thanks for being so real!!

  • Tamara Carpenter says:

    My husband and I were on our date night and we have followed you guys since you first started posting 🙂 We were stuck in traffic and I told him about this podcast! So he got to listen to it and we had a good time recalling our 2018 memories. We love you guys! I can’t wait to come to your vip trip in May!

  • Cynthia Heastie says:

    Great Podcast. This is my 2nd Podcast and I am hooked, Jennifer Thank you for all of your inspiration.

  • Z. R. says:

    Thanks for welcoming us into your life. The podcast was insightful.

  • Susan Davis says:

    Well~ as you promised, it was H.O.T
    Enjoyed it so much

  • Lisa Allen says:

    You’re fabulous on your own…but wow! Talk about ‘magic!’ Great podcast together! (The Lord is kind of amazing like that!!)

  • Lana Stenner says:

    Just beautiful Jennifer! Thank you for sharing your heart. I just subscribed and reviewed on itunes. You are a blessing 🙂

  • Lynda Allen says:

    What an awesome podcast! It was real, honest and inspiring. With Social Media such a huge part of our lives it’s refreshing to see a willingness to show the struggle of life, the reality of imperfection and the joy through it all. I’m waiting on my word, maybe it’s “real”…I think that’s it!

  • Patty Dolinsky says:

    Gosh I love you two. God’s blessings will keep coming to you and your beautiful family of 6 💙💙💙💙💜💜
    First time I listened and I’ve got a bunch now to listen to. Thank you and God Bless You all.

  • Denise Alsup says:

    I loved this podcast so much for soooo many reasons. I love the honesty of both Jason & Jennifer. I love learning through tears, laughter, and ALL the emotions in one podcast. Thanks for keeping it real and being willing to put yourselves out there. Thanks also for being real about your relationship with Jesus and throwing in a sermon here and there. Preach on Allwoods!!!!!

  • Chelle Fazal says:

    So I sooo relate to youbon so many levels. Our business has grown exponentially in the last couple years, my husband works for me though we are still working on how we communicate that (ahem) and I am the introvert…he the extrovert. And I am always learning to navigate this thing called business in a way that is led by and honoring to God. I am most definitely a fan now. Thank you thank you for paving a way for so many.

  • Shana says:

    what is the color on your dining room wall?

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