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Bored Bucket with Kid Activities | The Magic Brush

It’s that time of the summer when the wheels are starting to fall off the summer vacation bus.

The newness of the pool is over.

The heat and humidity in Kansas City are sucking the very life out of us.

The kids are tired of one another. And probably of me. Lol.

And this is the time of year I start to hear “I’m bored” from our youngest kiddo.

So we made…… a “BORED BUCKET”.  With a different idea on every paint stick!



Bored Bucket Spray Painting | The Magic Brush

This is so easy to do. Go to your local home improvement store or paint store and get some paint sticks. Some places charge for the sticks and some will give them to you for free. Get the free!

Bring them home and lay them on some cardboard and spray paint them in different colors.

TIP: kids love color. They love multi color. They love bold color. Try some fun colors. It makes it more interesting.


Bored Bucket Painted Activity Ideas | The Magic Brush


Then grab a Sharpie and write down some fun ideas that are age appropriate. Here are some of our ideas:

  • do something nice for a neighbor
  • draw something
  • write a letter to your grandparents
  • play a board game
  • make a movie on the iPad
  • play with PlayDoh
  • fly a kite
  • play in the sandbox
  • run thru sprinklers
  • play tennis in the street (it’s a quiet street- no need to worry!)
  • have a tea party
  • have a lemonade stand
  • play kickball
  • put the sprinkler on the trampoline
  • make cookies from scratch
  • do a Pinterest craft
  • build a fort
  • wash mom’s truck
  • build with Legos


Bored Bucket Kids Activity Idea | The Magic Brush

Then stick all the paint sticks into a paint bucket which you can get at any home improvement store or you can buy a clear one with a lid here. Don’t try to clean paint out of a gallon to use. That’s some sort of sick torture right there. Just buy a new one.  Decorate it if you’re feeling froggie!

And hopefully, that will help steer your kiddos with some activities when they start complaining there is nothing to do.

And if that doesn’t work, put them to work doing chores. Dusting and mopping floors always seems to cure the “I’m bored” syndrome. Lol.

Also, if you are looking for a back to school gift idea, don’t forget to make one of my most popular projects…. a Teacher Bucket . It’s another easy project involving a paint can and embellishments. What’s not to love?

And if you’re still in the mood to paint things, and perhaps need a home update bucket list of your own, I do have a free video with 10 easy updates to do to your home before dinner! All quick easy tips to improve and update your living space!

I would love it if you shared this Bored Bucket with your Pinterest followers! Their bored kids will thank you!  Here is a pin for you:

Pin it: Bored Bucket | The Magic Brush


And cheers to the end of summer.

You’ve got this mommas.

I’m rooting for you!




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