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AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeFaux finish

Random stills…..

By May 20, 200914 Comments


I had the chance to go back into an old client’s house the other day. We did many rooms in their house 5 years ago. The faux finishing industry has evolved so much in the last several years. So on occasion, I will see something we did years ago and cringe. It was not the case at this house. It’s still pretty…

(Silver bath vanity with a black glaze- notice the cool knobs and cool legs)
(Green glazed island with gold details)

(Neck-breaking, hand- painted ceiling…. UG!)


My fountain is a work in progress. Here is a sneak peak. The top half has the new base color which is a metallic bronze:

Stay tuned for the finished project!


I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to:

A) take a picture of this
B) make it somehow relevant in a blog post

It’s not relevant… but I did have my camera yesterday.

If you live in Kansas City, there is an overpass on 152 highway and Childress Road (close to 435), that has a stuffed Winnie the Pooh bear hanging from it. It’s the weirdest thing. I see it almost daily when I work.

(The overpass)

(look close by the pillar……)

(there it is….)
  • Have you seen this?
  • How did it get there?
  • Who put it there?
  • Is Winnie sad?
  • Is anyone impressed that I spotted this with my “blogging eyes” (I’ve had to get glasses since starting to blog!)?

One last random thought if you are an American Idol fan. I don’t call in to vote…. but this one is STILL my favorite (hate me if you must):

Good luck Chris!

Many blessings,


  • Lou Cinda says:

    Timeless and stunning are the words I would use to describe those finishes! You are so talented and gifted.

    Poor Pooh! He must be sad! I cannot imagine how someone got up there to hang him! lol

    I love Chris too!

    Have a great rest of the week!

    Lou Cinda 🙂

  • "Blossom" says:

    That fountain is beautiful. You and your girls do an amazing job. What area of the country do you live?

  • I love your work, Jennifer! You are so talented!
    and poor Pooh……


  • The Tattered Cottage says:

    Absolutely beautiful…you are very talented…can’t wait to see the finished fountain 🙂

  • Carmen says:

    Kris is my favorite too! We are anxiously awaiting the results tonight. Adam is cool too but he’s a little OVER THE TOP to put it lightly. hehe

    The Pooh Bear is very odd. Things that make you say hmmmm.

  • Girly Stuff says:

    I really really love the silver vanity! But as usual, it all looks great!

    Poor Pooh.

    I have not kept up with AI. I will just have to take your word for it! Go Chris!

  • KC Mom says:

    Well I hope for your sake Chris wins because I sure don’t have an opinion right now!
    Love the silver vanity. I’ve been thinking how cool it would be to have all the trim in my house painted silver or gold. Oh boy.
    Love my buffet soooo much!
    I have never noticed the pooh bear on the overpass! Crazy!

  • Sarah says:

    I love your work! I just came across your blog a few days ago, and just noticed today that you’re in Kansas City. I was just there 2 weeks ago, and I have to say that we did not find a single friendly person there! Now, I’m from NJ, so I know unfriendly, but please tell me we just hit KC at a bad time. I was so surprised! =(

  • Mesha says:

    …that’s hilarious. I think Pooh bear is just chilling. 🙂 that’s random, adds a little flavor to the post though. haha. nice work on that house. u make me wanna buy a house just so I can see what masterpiece you’d turn it into. 🙂

  • Love your fountain, and cannot wait to see what you do with it! I am sure that ceiling was draining, and I love, love, love the silver bathroom cabinetry. What kind of countertop was that?

    As far as Pooh is concerned, maybe he led a troubled life with a mean child…took his chances one night and hid under the bridge, hoping some nice lady like you would rescue him and take him to a new, beautifully painted home. A home with swirls and stiped rooms, and loving children to adore him forever more.

    That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it!


  • Amber says:

    I totally saw the bear yesterday and was thinking “How did that bear get there?” I laughed pretty hard when I saw that on your blog today! Nice Job getting a photo!

  • Laretha says:

    I love that vanity – the legs the color – PRETTY!

    I can’t wait to see the finished fountain. It will be beautiful!!!

    I didn’t see the Winnie the Pooh but your questions cracked me up!!!

    Kris won. jordan’s sad.

  • Shauna says:

    i think we need to rescue pooh:(
    girl i am loving the kitchen green thing…they are all beautiful.

  • Miss Jocelyn says:

    Hello, I came to your site because you linked to mine with the proverbs 31 graphics, and I just had to tell you how much I love your header. Very cool. 🙂

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