Warning: this post may contain more pictures of me than you ever care to see.
My first triathlon is behind me.
And I lived to blog about it.
It was an insane few weeks of surprise vacations, television interviews and last minute training practices.
I had my first bike wreck the week of the tri. Ok….bike “fall-over”. But “wreck” sounds way more hardcore, so I will call it that. My bike chain came off during practice…..ouch.
A few of us “tri moms” blinged out shirts for our kiddos a few days before the race. What would a race be without a ‘lil bling?
5:30 a.m. : we arrived at Smithville Lake to check in and set up transitions.
5:31 a.m.: we notice the sun is not coming up, but rather the skies are looking ominous. We started to google the weather and pray.
7:15 ish- the skies open up and pour. Believe me when I say it hasn’t rained in Kansas City in WEEKS. But of all mornings, it rained and rained and rained and it was a COLD rain. I saw women’s teeth chattering. Our transition areas flooded. Phones were ruined. Cameras had to be packed away (so I have very few pictures). It poured. This was NOT the tri weather I had prayed for.
(my friend Ashley and I)
8:15 ish – after another lightening delay, they began to hand out trash bags to try to keep us girls dry and warm. Too late…..
Our die-hard cheering section arrived….the poor things were soaked, but we were so happy to see friendly faces!!!
8:30 ish – after an hour of delays, we are ready to enter the water. By this time, everything seemed “off”….my coffee caffeine-kick was worn off, we were starting to get hungry, women’s lips were blue. But we were so grateful just to get started.
I swam my 500 yards (roughly 1/3 mile) in 17:26. I was aiming for under 18 minutes, so I did that. For those of you who follow my blog, you know I just learned to swim as a grown up in the last year. I may blog specifically about the swim portion of my tri because I think it deserves it’s own post. It was 17 minutes of my life that changed me. It was terrifying and scary and hard and humbling, but I got out of that water grinning ear to ear. I did it!!!!!!
Can I just saying I rocked transition #1? T1 time = 1:41. That’s the amount of time it takes you to run out of the water, put on soaking wet socks, and soaking wet shoes, your sunglasses and a bike helmet, un-rack your bike and get out of the bike area. I loved it!
The bike portion of my tri is probably my most proud event of the 3. I biked 10 miles in 35:37….way under my goal of 40 minutes. Considering the pavement was wet which made me nervous, I was thrilled. I am still deciding on whether or not I am brave enough to graduate up to clip-less pedals or not. For this season, I am content.

Transition 2 is the time it takes you to re-rack your bike, remove your helmet, put on your running belt with your number and run out of the transition area. I did it in 1:09.
I crossed the finish line after running my 5K in 30:33. I was hoping to run it in under 30 minutes, but I did not walk and felt great until the last half mile.
My boys ran out to cross the finish line with me. Priceless.

Yep, I am getting ready to cry in this picture. I am usually not overly emotional at an event like this, but after crossing the finish line, all I wanted was to find my husband in the crowd. And as soon as I did, I just lost it in the safety of his arms.
After the bawling and the flowers subsided, we tried to get several of us to pose for an “after” pic. We couldn’t find a few of the other girls in the mess of people, so this isn’t a complete picture. But, I am sooooo proud of us ladies. I have also made a mental note that I am gonna have to find a better tri-hairdo…..this one isn’t working for me.
And so it is over. After investing a year of my life in learning to swim and watching countless videos and reading literature on swimming…..I still got passed by some girl who back-floated the entire thing without even wearing goggles. Isn’t that just how it works sometimes??? Good for her……you go random goggle-less girl!

And I celebrated the evening away with all of my closest friends and family at yes…..another birthday celebration. This 40th birthday thing just keeps going….I love it!

(Pics courtesy of this beauty)
(Love these women!!!)

(some of my family including my brother, his wife and their baby who SURPRISED me by coming for the weekend! Love them all!!!)
Update – Here’s my post about my second triathlon!
That is awesome! So proud of you. A major inspiration. Congratulations on your first tri. Sounds like it’s a bit addicting!
wow, what an accomplishment! congratulations!
You are a TOTAL inspiration! So happy for you and can’t wait to see how the next one goes….
Lou Cinda
Loved reading this post…looks like you had an absolute blast! Yay you!
waY TO GO!!!! You inspire me! Maybe just enough for me to get my butt in gear and sign up for one.
Great summary! I’m so glad you posted it so I could share in your experience! What a way to celebrate your 40th birthday! I’m proud of you!
I’m so proud of you! I have had so much fun training with wonderful women and you are an inspiration to me! Love you girl!
Way to gooooo!!! Congrats 🙂
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This is fantastic! I can’t believe you did all that with just learning to swim within the past year – the heck with goggle-less girl! You SWAM it! Congrats to all of you for an awesome feat. When we push ourselves, we triumph! Ann
Bravo!! This is a tremendous win for you. As a non-swimmer, I can’t give you enough accolades for accomplishing this!
Congratulations ~
Bravo!! This is a tremendous win for you. As a non-swimmer, I can’t give you enough accolades for accomplishing this!
Congratulations ~
So, so proud of you. First for even doing this. And you beat the goal you set for yourself. And you placed so well!
I’m 31 and I’m not quite ready to start training for a triathlon, but I think I’ve decided to learn how to surf next summer. I’ve always wanted to!
Wow congrats!!! That is amazing!!!!
You rocked it girl! Congratulations! You have inspired me to give it some serious thought! Great post.
Amazing so proud for you! Love the balloon story and your boys t-shirts.
Way to go!! Congratulations to a beautiful woman!