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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

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Blogging has seriously made me more aware of my surroundings. I seem to notice things more…. colors… textures…. patterns. It’s like my senses are more heightened or something.

And… now I always have my camera handy. Do you think people wonder what the heck I’m doing as I slam on my brakes in front of their house?

I’ve gotten to see some gorgeous fountains this week. For those of you that do not live in town… Kansas City is the “city of fountains”…. bizarre I know….

I had a designer send me to see this fountain. Are the colors just not beautiful?? I took several shots of it.

Then I found these:

For some reason this one is my favorite. I love the metallic on it…

So, since I can’t come home to this everyday:

(this is the entrance to the new Silverbrook subdivision where I have a model)

I need some help trying to spruce up what I do have:

I need help with my sad fountain.

Pay no attention to the dead foliage all around it…. spring has sprung people! It will be green soon! Yippee!

Do any of you have experience with painting fountains? Mine is obviously concrete. I want something to soak in it… not sit on top of it. So… I’ve been thinking of using Faux Effects water based Stain and Seals…. but am concerned about the water aspect.


***Update: I just found a Project Procrastinators Party over at The Inspired Room. The idea is to show a project you have been avoiding/delaying/stalling doing….. and GET TO IT! Nothing like project shaming to get you motivated. In 2 weeks we are all to display our completed project. Looks like I better get my research on!


****UPDATE– Here is my new fountain! 


  • Girly Stuff says:

    I had no idea KC was the city of fountains…that is bizarre. So I will tell you the last time I saw a fountain in front of a house was on My Big Fat Greek Wedding. So don’t ask me what to do about painting one. Short of spraying it with Windex.

    But I’m with you about the metallic look. Very nice.

    And yes, blogging makes you aware of all things pretty and picture worthy. Glad I’m not the only crazy out there!

  • KC Mom says:

    I just need a fountain.period.

  • I would check with one of the concrete companies that does the staining. They have some fab looks and tricks…. Enjoy, let us see what you end up doing. Enjoy your blog

  • Nancy W says:

    I like new2utreasures idea, you can’t go wrong with them! Came by to let you know I tagged you over at my blog (well typing it up right now). If you have time to play along great if not I totally understand. Hope to send lots of bloggers your way just with the mention. hugs from Conroe, TX!

  • Yours would look just like that one you love if you used metallics…. but hmmm, you don’t want paints…. what if you used a black stain and then just dry brushed it with a metallic bronze? such little would give the full metallic effect, and it wouldnt be literally ‘painted on’…. ??

  • Fauxology says:

    You have such a wonderful personality…had to start off with that. OK, my two cents. FE Stain & Seals are not UV-rated, so you will face the likelihood of them turning colors. (Yup, found out the hard way.) has a series of water-based WoodGels and they have the option of adding UV protection for pennies on the dollar. They only have 3 metallic options so you might need to tint it if you’d like to go bronze. What about adding metallic mica powders to a concrete stain? That would sink in and be totally durable.

  • paperglueetc says:

    I can’t wait to see this project when it’s complete, I have a fountain and I love it!

  • Living With Lindsay says:

    I am absolutely no help as far as painting it – is it concrete? – but I can’t wait to see what you do! Love your inspiration fountains!

  • I’m a Kansas City girl also but all I have to offer is a bird bath that looks so sad right now, the birds are not even visiting it. I’m looking forward to your reveal!

  • forthesakeoftime says:

    I am across the state from you! I have a fountain in need of “Big” help. I will be watching what you do.

    Thank you for sharing.


  • Sounds like a fun project!

  • Melissa @ The Inspired Room says:

    Oh, I don’t know what you would use! But I can’t wait to see what you come up with!!! Thanks for joining in! This is going to be fun seeing all the projects happen!

  • KarenB says:

    I’m visiting from The Inspired Room for the first time. I’m a former KC girl and love all the KC fountains. In fact, my husband asked me to marry him in front of one some 30 years ago! My fountain is stained a darker color, so I can’t help you with how to do it. Do you use it much? My fountain has gotten all kind of new shades to it because it runs almost daily.

  • TidyMom says:

    I just found your blog thru The Inspired Room’s party and I just LOVE your blog!

    It will be fun watching all of us complete our projects!


  • Manuela@Pleasures of Homemaking says:

    It’ll be fun to see how you makeover your fountain!


  • Teresa says:

    I’ve never painted a fountain- so it will be fun to see what you do. I’m always a fan of the aged patina look- if that helps any-

  • Crafty Niche says:

    Your fountain is gorgeous! Can’t wait to see what you do with it!

  • Can’t wait to see how you do this…I have one that needs a facelift too!


  • Tami says:

    City of Fountains, hu? Sounds like a nice city to live in. Binghamton, NY is the Carousel City. There are tons of carousels there. I lived there after college and I only ever saw 1 carousel! LOL!

    I don’t know about the paint you need, but good luck finding it and getting it done! I’m participating in that party too.

  • steph says:

    OOOOh, Your project has got me giddy! Love it. Can’t wait to see it all done.

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