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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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Are you scrambling for some last minute gift ideas for mom that are CREATIVE and ORIGINAL? Me too!

I have a few quick ideas for you. Just click on any link idea for the full tutorial!



  • You could make mom a chalkboard for her house out of an old thrift store picture





  • You could buy her some flowers and plant them in a non-traditional pot for her ( I have 10 non traditional ideas on that post!)


  • You could offer to paint her garage doors or front door to look like wood 

word stencil house rules

  • You could make her a sign for her house that says PRAY BIG or BREATHE or BELIEVE or  your family name, etc. Check out all my stencils projects HERE. “House Rules” is a huge favorite. Just put it on a painted Hobby Lobby canvas!




  • You could give her a gift certificate to have someone pick out clothes for her from Stitchfix . If you don’t know how that works, watch this funny video HERE.



teacher gift back to school

  • Fill a paint bucket with “summer” ideas…. a pair of sunglasses, some sunscreen, a new pair of flip flops, a book for by the pool and a gift certificate to go out for ice cream!


JA eBook 8

  • If she owns or runs a business, order her my ebook on praying for your business



  • If she is in to her hair at all, order her one of the fancy TYME irons that I talk about in this post


painted leather chair beforeafter


See, there are tons of ideas other than just doing lunch or giving her a gift card.

And hey, if you are a mom, maybe you should pass this list along to your husband for some gift ideas for YOU as well!




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