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I will teach you a new paint finish EVERY MONTH!!!

By January 8, 20162 Comments



We had such a great time in my online painting party last month that we came up with a way for me teach you all a DIFFERENT paint finish EVERY MONTH!  My Paint Finish of the Month club is now OPEN for registration.  It’s a monthly membership for only $27 a month.  Small beans y’all.  And the best part is it’s all ONLINE.  You get to watch my videos in your jammies, drinking coffee.  Perfect.

We will be putting all of you who sign up into a PRIVATE Facebook group with me. Each month I’ll be posting a video of me painting something in my house or for a client with different products for every project. You will have full access to me and can ask questions about my projects or YOUR projects.  It’s going to be a great time and FORCE me to get some projects painted that I’ve had on my to-do list. Sign up is HERE.

This “Finish of the Month Club” group is perfect for you DIY’ers who just want to learn some cool new painting techniques monthly, if you are furniture painter who wants to see the new products that I am experimenting with or if you are a small business owner who just wants to see how I run a Facebook group. 😉

This month I am painting a black and cream buffet with hot pink drawers! In the next few months, I’ll be painting tile on a fireplace and lampshades and my dining room chairs.

Sign up to join in on the fun!





  • Trish says:

    I’m new to furniture painting. Do you have diy videos for the beginner? I painted a cabinet with chalk paint, distressed it, and waxed it. It came out beautifully. I sold it for $75 but I only paid five bucks for it. It started out a rust color so I painted black over it and when I distressed it the rust color came through the black. It was lovely. Now I have the bug and I need to know if I just got lucky or if I can actually do this and make money. But I need to start from the beginning. Thank you.

  • Mary Cumbest says:

    I actually unsubscribed from this the first week of October but for some reason my payment was deducted from my account on 10-31. Can u tell me what I need to do to cancel my account with The Magic Brush.

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