It’s time to go all in.
How hard are you pushing in your business? Are you all in or are you standing at the edge with a toe dipped in the water?
Listen, I work with so many women every single day, and soooooo many of you are still playing it safe, only putting a little bit out at a time for fear of failure. I’m not the coach who’s ever going to hold back from telling you what you need to hear, for fear of stepping on some toes. I love you, but I will never tell you what you want to hear. I don’t believe in that.
So, really, how hard are you pushing in your business?
I keep hearing that some of you are not happy with the results of a launch or what have you…but I’m also hearing that you know you’re not pushing as hard as you could be. So, here’s where you have to look at what emotions you have attached to not pushing as hard as you need to and go all in. It all comes back to fear. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of vulnerability.
Not pushing hard will never give you the results you want. Being scared of the outcome is always the reason people don’t push hard. I guarantee you that your brain is telling you that if you just put a little bit out there, get a couple of sales, THEN I’ll have the validation that I can keep going. But the truth of the matter is, this is a whimpy position, friend. I said what I said.
I take a deeper dive into this in Podcast 283 including a few tangible tips to work through this.
You MUST rethink how you’re looking at all of it. I promise you, if you change your thinking, you can change your life. And if you didn’t know, I recently got my life coaching certification and have a group opening up soon. (Get on that waitlist HERE). The truth is, I’ve been life coaching for years…but I really just wanted to get the certification so I can keep moving forward helping women get unstuck from the mindsets that are keeping them in the same place.
I am really, truly rooting for you!!
I couldn’t agree more! Great information