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What does the favor of God look like in your business? Do you have people in your life who just always land on their feet, no matter what happens? I have seen the favor of God just do things in the lives and businesses of people that years of work or even the right connections couldn’t possibly bring forth. When God grants you favor, there is literally no one or no thing can stop that. Let’s talk about this today!

Hit the Highlights

[03:21] This is what favor looks like
[04:10] How do we define favor?
[08:50] How do we get the favor of God?
[10:20] You do not need to work and earn favor.
[12:30] Be known for being a ‘Yes Girl’ in Heaven.

“You inspired me to start a business and use my creativity. I couldn't get past my fear without your encouraging and positive attitude every week. Thank you!!”

Listener: The Happys Podcast Review: “Encouraging & Inspiring!”
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