Hey friend, it’s time to start getting honest and brave about the talent God gave you. Do not deny any of them! In this podcast, I talk all about clarity. The question isn’t ‘what am I good at?,’ but rather ‘how do I monetize what I’m good at?’ God’s direction is clear and He does not give us these talents to sit on or give all away…these are gifts to serve our families, our communities and our churches. Sometimes we make excuses as a form of self-protection, but breaking through these strongholds is where the blessing lies. Listen to today’s Monday Fire and then hop over to jenniferallwood.com/quiz and get clear on what revenue stream is right for you!
Let’s pray and support each other. Join my FREE Facebook group for Christian Entrepreneurs — Search “Prayer Group for Women Entrepreneurs” to join!
Join me for my Money, Faith, and Business virtual event! Think about the success you could have if you are able to get your money mindset, your faith, and your business in alignment with God’s calling on your life. He has an amazing plan, but it is up to you to BE OBEDIENT! Sign up at: moneyfaithandbusiness.com!
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