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The kids and I all agree these are the best cinnamon rolls ever!!! We love them so much that it’s what we eat on Christmas morning. The best part is it only takes three simple ingredients to make them!

We made them for Labor Day and dang, they were good!!

Follow the recipe below or watch Mr. Magic make them live on Facebook!

Feel free to pin this recipe so you can come back to it later!

three ingredient cinnamon rolls

Best Cinnamon Rolls EVER!!!

My family agrees that these are the best cinnamon rolls ever!

  • 1 package (12 count) Rhodes frozen cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting (We get ours at Sun Fresh!)
  • 1 3.4oz Instant vanilla pudding (I use Jell-o brand)
  • 1 1/2 cup Stick butter
  1. The night before:
    Spread/spray your 9×13 baking dish with Pam or oil just enough to cover lightly
    Melt 1 stick, ½ cup of butter
    Arrange all 12 frozen rolls in your 9×13 baking dish
    Pour the melted butter over all of the rolls
    Sprinkle the entire package of vanilla instant pudding over all the rolls
    Cover and place in the refrigerator for at least 8 hrs.
    The baking dish I used has a plastic lid if yours does not cover with plastic wrap and foil, just make sure not to let the rolls stick to the cover
    Place the two packages of cream cheese frosting in the refrigerator.
  2. The next morning:
    Remove the baking dish from the refrigerator
    Remove the covering or lid from your baking dish
    Leave on your countertop uncovered for at least 1 hour to proof
    You want the rolls to double in size, the longer you proof the larger the rolls

  3. Time to bake:
    Place your baking dish in a pre-heated 350’ oven
    Bake for 10-12 minutes and check
    The baking time will depend on your oven and your personal preference of how golden brown you enjoy your rolls.
    The Rhodes rolls baking instructions call for a 15-20min bake time.
    Remove the cream cheese frosting from the refrigerator
    Kneed the two packages of frosting until pliable enough to spread over the hot rolls
    Spread the frosting over the hot rolls, I tear the perforated top.
    I put a little on each roll then reapply to cover completely and the heat will help coverage.
    There are 2 packages of frosting so I cover 6 rolls with each package.
    Cut and enjoy.


  • Carla St. Germain says:

    The ingredient list says 1 1/2 cup(s) stick butter, but the instructions say to melt 1 stick of butter, which is only a half cup. Is there a typo in the ingredient list? Thanks!

  • Rachel Leigh says:

    It’s just one stick! -Rachel at Team Allwood

  • Cyndi Smith says:

    I’m seeing ingredients but no instructions?? What do you do with the butter and pudding?

  • Holly says:

    What type of cream cheese frosting do you recommend?

  • Jessa says:

    If you decide not to put in fridge but rather leave them out to rise at room temperature should you put butter and pudding on right away while they are still frozen or should you let rolls rise/proof and then add butter and pudding right before oven?

  • Cynthia says:

    Thank you for this great cinnamon roll recipe. I have been looking for a simple recipe for them due to medical issues I am unable to stand for periods of time so making them from scratch was no option. Even sitting is very pain full for me unless I have severel pillows. I can’t wait to try it.
    Thank you

  • Tena Weiland says:

    I was also confused on the butter amount and was not sure I used enough. I also wasn’t sure I liked having all that dry pudding on top so before I baked them, I melted another stick of butter and poured on top of the rolls. Everybody loved them!

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