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AllwoodJennifer Allwood HomeFaux finishfurniture

Bathroom vanity— gold deliciousness!

By November 14, 20116 Comments

This is a newly fauxed bathroom vanity I just finished for a client and her designer on Friday.  I am so happy with how the new finish turned out.

Here is a before shot of the vanity.  It was pretty…..but they were tired of the walnut stain.

First, I painted it in this really bold GOLD color…….

Then sanded thru the gold back down to some of the stain…..

And re-stained it.

It’s not quite as bright as this pic with my flash on.   But brighter than this pic with my flash off.

Either way, I’m thinking it’s gold deliciousness and I may need it somewhere in my own home!

Linking to The Power of Paint party….and Shabby Creek Cottage.


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