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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo

It’s no secret that I love using stencils. I love word stencils, pattern stencils, all over stencils, furniture stencils….you name it!

And the question I get over and over about my stenciling projects is “Jennifer how do your word stencils look so perfect?”

Well, I never make my own stencils…. I have a stencil secret!

I have been ordering all of my word stencils from The Mad Stencilist for years and years and years. Like over 12 years I think?????  They make every single one of my word stencils for me.  Every one, every time!

I tell them the size of the stencil. I tell them the font I want. And Viola! It’s magic!  No measuring. No spacing letters apart. No misspelled words. No cutting mylar by hand.  They are my BEST stenciling secret!!!!!

 *this post may contain affiliate links which may pay me an income which I use to do further diy projects for you!*


The Mad Stencilist made this bible scripture to go around the top of our bedroom ceiling because let’s be honest…..Sometimes Mr Magic and I need to lay in bed and remember why we like each other. 😉

word stencil pray big

They made my entryway  “PRAY BIG” stencil.  (I really need a new photo of our entryway since it’s all gray and white now!!!!)


They made this name stencil for me for my client’s baby nursery.  Little Kinzley’s bedroom was even photographed for “Kansas City Home and Garden magazine”!


They made me this monogram for my friend Ashley’s canvas that I made for her nursery (photo cred to my talented friend at Radiant Photography).

growth chart

They make me all of my growth chart stencils which I know people love to make and sell.

Seriously. You guys. When you have a stencil for these growth charts, you can make them in 15 minutes. Tops.  And when you are a creative entrepreneur, you gotta work smarter and not harder.  Yes, you could paint this by hand but why in the world would you when the stencil makes it pretty much un-mess-up-able ????


MB Reversible Pallet FB

When  I was knee-deep last year in my pallet painting obsession…… The Mad Stencilist designed these stencils for me too.

Like seriously, I use their word stencils every single time.


stenciling oops

Except this one time. Remember this time last year when I was rushing to finish a project for the local TV station to come out to my house? Remember how the Royals were in the World Series?   Remember how I tried to use just single letters and stencil “Be Royal” but accidentally added an “s” to the end?????

Yeah, see THAT is why I order pre-made stencils. It saves me my time and my sanity.

All of the stencils they have designed for me can be found HERE.   You can order every one of them in a one-time use only sticky stencil OR a re-useable stencil. The sticky stencils help reduce on bleeding, but the reusable ones can be used over and over. You pick!

I actually have a Facebook video below (or find it HERE) that you can watch which shows my using the sticky stencil.  It’s so easy breezy that it’s ridiculous.



So there you have it, my stenciling secret to get perfect words every time! Feel free to pin any of these photos by clicking the “save” button in the corner of each one! Then you’ll have the projects right on Pinterest for inspiration!

And as a bonus, here’s another stencil trick: I love to use  3M’s 77 spray as adhesive to stick the stencil to the board to make the stenciling easier and keep the stencil in place with no bleeding.  You can get that spray at Jo-Ann’s/Home Depot/Lowe’s type stores.

Happy stenciling,



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If you loved these stencils, I have a few cute ones for fall you MUST SEE! Always Give Thanks and Happy Fall Y’all! I also think you’ll enjoy painting with my top favorite colors. Take out the guess work and use a sure-fire color every time you take on a room in your house! It’s a free video! Now go paint something!







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