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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo



Hello, my name is Jennifer Allwood.

I’m addicted to coffee creamer. And glitter. And Periscope.

If you haven’t heard of Periscope yet, it’s the live video app from Twitter.  If you’re on Twitter, you can get onto Periscope (and if you don’t follow me on Twitter, you can find me HERE).  Periscope is only for your cell phone, not your PC and it is taking the social media world by storrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm.  It’s equivalent to Facebook’s live video but not EVERYONE has a verified account on Facebook to have the video option available (I am hoping Mr Z will change that for us!).

But in the meantime, I have been studying Periscope  I’ve been watching.  And thinking. And studying.  And observing. And trying to decide if it’s worth getting onto YET ANOTHER social media when I already spend so much time on my Facebook page. But it just looked so darn intriguing.  And I saw total value in it for gaining customers.  And I LOVE doing LIVE tv and LIVE speaking, so this is very similar.

So I began scoping.  And scoping.  And scoping.  And now I have done 43 live videos in the last 45 days.  And gotten 1000 followers in 6 weeks.  Pretty much, I’m addicted.

For non-business owners, you can find about ANYTHING on Periscope that you want to learn or observe or watch.  Business, sewing, hair tutorials, people praying, coupons.  Just do a search on Twitter for #Periscope and #(whatever) and you’ll find who to watch on Periscope.

For business OWNERS, Periscope may be your game changer…. especially if you feel like you are late to the game on Twitter and Facebook.    If you are good on camera, or good live, or WANT to be good on camera or WANT to be good live…… do NOT delay.  Get going on Periscope before everyone else is doing it! I recently heard (maybe from Kim Garst ??) that only 1 million of the 15 millions people ON the app are actually DOING videos.  Very few creative people, DIY’ers, painters and crafters are DOING scopes so if you get on NOW, think of the following you could get.

I have a totally free, no strings attached eBook for you to teach you all you need to know to get started on Periscope and be dangerous.  I included a list of whom to watch, what to scope, a checklist of what to do before every video AND a list of scope ideas for you!   It’s 21 pages of info…… totally my free gift to you.  You can get it by going HERE now.

And if YOU aren’t interested into Periscope, you may know someone who is.  Forward this email to them so they can get the eBook as well.

I hope it blesses you and your business!

Happy scoping,


PS. we are almost to the end of the month in my Inner Circle group.  You have just a few more days to join and get all of this month’s training from me on how to grow your creative business BY USING SOCIAL MEDIA!!!!!  Details are at




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