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What’s with us staining concrete???

By August 13, 20117 Comments

We have had so many requests to stain concrete projects this year. We’ve stained fireplaces and floors and firepits (they have all been blogged about). And recently….this concrete table.

My client had this concrete table in her back yard next to her pool. She was considering leaving her concrete table behind when she moved recently.

But I’m so glad she asked us to paint it instead. We used Faux Effect’s Stain and Seal to make it “purdie“…..

Blah, blah, blah before……

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful after. After several topcoats, we called it finished…..

And I had to quickly put down my camera and take care of this situation in my client’s backyard. Yes, that’s my baby girl.

Who really isn’t a baby anymore.

She is livin‘ on the edge…..

tryin‘ to give her momma a heart attack.

All in a day’s work.


  • Beautiful job! Isn’t staining concrete neat? A whole new world!!! 😀 Gotta love it!

    Yours looks beautiful!


    Mrs Mary Joy Pershing

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  • Dana says:

    Beautiful job! Question: Did you roll it on the top or brush it? Wondering about roll marks! Just wondering in case I get a chance to do this for someone!

  • Sylvia says:

    Great job!! Have some benches my mom gave me. She died in ’98 and I will keep them until they crumble! I have spray painted them and they are now awful!! Since I don’t have them as clean concrete, can they be painted a solid color that will not fad? I want to eventually learn and do mosaic on each top (2). Any suggestions?

  • Suzanne says:

    this table is so gorgeous! Did you acid wash it or just apply stain? My daughter has a concrete block wall and she would love to apply stain in various shades for a sort of wood effect but I’m not sure how she would do that. Anyway, awesome job on the table!! 🙂

  • Carrie says:

    What is the name of the color you used on this concrete table? I am wanting to do some planters in the same color. I love the effect, but didn’t want to order the wrong color.

  • Linda Bridges says:

    Please give more steps to create the same look on my new bird bath

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