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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

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AllwoodJennifer Allwood Homepaint

Wait! Have you heard it’s my birthday???

By July 29, 20116 Comments

Well in the midst of birthday celebrations and TV tapings and triathlon training….I promise I am still painting!!!!!

Wanna see my latest project? (be warned: this posting WILL return to the topic of my birthday!)

Our Archivers Scrapbook store had this project on display. An average wooden picture frame…..

And these adorable cork maps of the US.

I ordered arrow push pins off of EBay….

And hung the map of all our family’s has travels in our boy’s bathroom. My husband and I made a commitment 14 years ago when we got married to try to visit a new place together every year…. and my boys love it!
So…….in honor of my birthday…..we are traveling soon to this little neck of the woods:

Any guesses where we are going????


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