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Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!
Copyright © 2025 Jennifer Allwood | All rights reserved | Website by Design on Purpose
My son fractured his leg when he was one years old. I think he was running in it after two weeks. It’s the pits when they get hurt, but she’s in good hands with a Momma like you.
lol…oh, I get you on the leash part. We’re in the middle of a big re-no and I’ve been, more than once, tempted to get out the old dog leash.
Sorry about your sweties leg. That’s so young for a broken bone. She’s a trooper though. (And you too!)
Love the cabinet. Have a great day.
You need an assistant!
oh no! your little lady must be bummed to have a broken leg, but at least she gets a pretty pink cast. and that cabinet is going to be spectacular!
Oh my goodness to funny!!
That little Ava is the cutest thing…it is amazing how the little darlings adjust and can still get around so well. If it was me with a broken leg, I would be laying on the couch with a little bell so everyone could wait on me.
Ohh poor thing!!!
That cabinet looks too cute!
So. Did you accomplish your goals for today? 😉
That picture of your dd with the pink cast is too cute for words.
Aw…what an adorable post! Your lil sweetie is adorable and I love the cabinet! Nice blog!
At least it is pink!
I am loving the cabinet! Are those vinyl decals? I like the white on black.
hi jennifer- responding about the 6th pic game. i did the 6th picture i ever used, not from the 6th post. it was actually in the 2nd post. does that make sense? and i know- the pressure! rory from greentiques tagged me, and he’s so nice so i didn’t want to let him down! 😉 you better not let me down… just kidding! i know you are abusy mom with a kid in a cast, so no worries! and by the way i can’t wait to see that black and white dresser you are working on!
Poor Ava, but it is probably harder on you in the end. She is such a doll baby. It’s that third one that has aged us but then without him we wouldn’t have such interesting stories to tell at parties. 🙂
Hey there pretty lady, thanks for stoping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment! To answer your question: I applied the mod podge on the face down, then once I applied the top coat I just kept pressing all the bubbles I could see down (my hands were covered in podge by this point). I didn’t have that many – maybe because I used scrapbook paper.
Feel free to email me at rachaelwes33 at yahoo dot com if you have any other questions!