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AllwoodJennifer Allwood Homefurniture

The yellow table I wanted to keep

By February 12, 201115 Comments

On occasion….I faux finish a piece of furniture and then don’t want to give it back to the client.

Yeah, this yellow number is one of those pieces. I named her Lola. I don’t know why….

She was U.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G.L.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y.Y……. and had been in my basement for a couple of years.

I was itching to paint something yellow and when I sprayed it……it bubbled and “fish- eyed” and got even funkier….

But the sanding started to make it cuter…. (notice I am sanding in the living room. “The Biggest Loser” is on in the background).

I swear I was giddy to see how it sanded back.

Then the glazing made it cuter still…..

And the harlequin stencil just finished it off.

It’s amazing to me that something that started off so ugly can be transformed into something so cute.

And that’s why I love what I do. It’s the power of paint.

“Lola” is being auctioned off here in Kansas City at a fundraiser for a private school. If you are in the KC area and interested in bidding, I can put you in touch with the appropriate people. So have your people call my people……

Seriously….so cute.


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