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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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Every stinkin’ time I get a beautiful wreath on the front door…..Mother Nature wrecks it.

Seriously….this wreath was beautiful last week. But I thought I’d be cute and put it on the outside of our front door.

Forgetting about that little thing called “rain”.

And “wind”.

Now, in the words of my friend Kristin…… looks like “a sad, wet flamingo”.


Seriously, what is it with me and spring wreaths?????

Do you remember this post from the last spring wreath I made???

It was adorable…..

Until the heat hit it.

And in the words of the the wicked witch on the Wizard of Oz… was “melting….melting”…..

Do me a favor and someone please save me from myself next spring.


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