On occasion, I will get hired to paint something apart from the norm….like these lantern lights.
I thought they were pretty to begin with (without my painter’s tape on them, of course). But my designer wanted them “fire engine red” to hang outside of a wine cellar.
Take my advice my friends. If you can tape something all off and spray paint it… you will save yourselves a world of time and frustration. They would have been a nightmare to paint by hand.
The key is in the tedious taping and fancy-Walmart-bag-protecting.
I used the reddest red spray paint I could find.
The spraying took 3 light coats and no time at all.
Linking up to Hope Studios , Power of Paint Party, Mural Maker, Under the Table and Dreaming, Domestically Speaking and Boardwalk Bragfest.
great job! They turned out super cute.
i love the fire engine red- what a nice pop of color! makes me want to go around and paint my light fixtures!
Those r super cute!!
LOVE these! Oh the power of spray paint!
Love them in red…they will pop!!
I love them!
too cute!
Jen those are awesome! I am so jealous of your client 🙂
Everything you touch turns out gorgeous. What a talent!
I love them!! I always use those plastic bags when taping off too! I have to find myself some lanterns now!!
Love it, I want them!
Those are adorable, and if I’m not mistaken, you can buy those electric lanterns at Lowes in 2 sizes!
Extremely retro and fun!
VERY cute. I love the bold color choice. I may have missed it, but where are they going?
LOVE Love LOVE the color!
Love these!! And would probably love the wine cellar that these will be guarding! 😉
I love them both ways!
Well aren’t these the cutest!?! I love what you did with them! Wonderful!
It just doesn’t get much better than that, does it? The lanterns look fabulous and it’s nice to know that even professional painters use the simplest of items for their “taping”.
I love these! I just thought of 20 different places I could put these in my house!
You crack me up, Girl! All the talent in the world & you’re wowing me with spray paint!
I’m spray paint-challenged. Just like stencils. I guess I’m too impatient. Always have drips. Drives me buggy.
Would love for you to link these up to my Fab Finds for the Fourth party tomorrow!
That reminds me – I have some red lanterns somewhere around here. I need to pull them out for the 4th!
Amazing transformation! Gotta love spray paint, don’t know what I’d do without it! I found you over at bobbypinsboaurdwalk and had to check out the whole story on those lanters!
I’d love to have you join me for my Garden party at Keen Inspirations starting next Wednesday-Friday ! This is a great project to share…we’ll have giveaways all 3 days!
Hope to seee you there!
They are SUPER cute! I love all the red accents I’m seeing lately. Are you going to keep them?
Thanks so much for linking up, Jennifer! Stop by again next Thursday.
I want to start a painting linky too. I know Mary Ann @ Domestically Speaking has hers, so I’m thinking of one that’s a little different. Any suggestions?
Started a faux finish job today – ugh, it’s been YEARS! My neck & shoulders really feeling it tonite! Just had to share w/someone who understands 😉
Even better red!
You should do a post on the top ten things to do with Walmart bags.
I’ll get you started:
1. Lunch bag
2. Easter egg basket
3. Poor man’s drop cloth
4. Something to put your paint brush in when you refrigerate it
your turn
Love the red! Fabulous lights – I need a set of 8!! Thanks for joining the Sunday Showcase – I greatly appreciate it! Hope you have a great week! ~Stephanie Lynn
I love lanters. I have a weakness for them. I have a very old red one as well! Love how yours turned out.
Great color. I agree, if you tape it off first it saves so much time and agravation!