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Repainting lantern lights

By June 13, 201028 Comments

On occasion, I will get hired to paint something apart from the norm….like these lantern lights.

I thought they were pretty to begin with (without my painter’s tape on them, of course). But my designer wanted them “fire engine red” to hang outside of a wine cellar.

Take my advice my friends. If you can tape something all off and spray paint it… you will save yourselves a world of time and frustration. They would have been a nightmare to paint by hand.

The key is in the tedious taping and fancy-Walmart-bag-protecting.

I used the reddest red spray paint I could find.

The spraying took 3 light coats and no time at all.

Here is the finished product:

Aren’t they cute?

Linking up to Hope Studios , Power of Paint Party, Mural Maker, Under the Table and Dreaming, Domestically Speaking and Boardwalk Bragfest.


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