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One way to fill your children’s emotional tank

By July 24, 201016 Comments

So I totally stole this idea from someone else’s blog…..and yet I don’t remember who. If you were the inventor of this sweet idea….kudos to you! I thought it was brilliant enough to copy!

Hobby Lobby (or “Hobbily Lobbily” as Ava calls it) has these paper mache mailboxes for $2.99 each. I spray painted one of them for each of my boy’s rooms…

And I stick little notes in them whenever I “spy” them doing something thoughtful, kind, loving, etc. Or…just to tell them I love them.

I am shocked at how much my 6 & 8 year old BOYS love this. They check their “mailboxes” all the time for notes from mom.

It reminded me that we all have “emotional tanks” that need filled with praise on occasion….even my kiddos.


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