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My brother’s wedding

By September 29, 200920 Comments

My youngest brother got married 2 weeks ago. I just love weddings. Everyone is so happy. So filled with hope. So expectant. So pretty.

We were so blessed to have all 3 of our kiddos be asked to be in the wedding. It was truly a joy for Jason and I to watch.

Noah and Easton were the ring bearers. Ava was the flower girl. Her brothers pulled her down the isle in a “blinged” out wagon. How cute was that idea???

We had such a wonderful weekend. We laughed.

We begged Ava to cooperate for pictures.

And picked up rose petals 47 times.

We prayed she wouldn’t ruin her dress.

…and teared up at the sight of our boys being so grown up.

We tried to keep Ava out of the holy water and out from under the pulpit.

We giggled at the priest’s cowboy boots….

And snickered as Easton napped during the ceremony.

We got a short video of the kids leaving the church at the end of the ceremony. Excuse the poor taping…. this is my first ever video on my blog!!!! I also think it may be Ava’s first time practicing her “Miss America wave” and “shout-out”:

Is that priceless or what??


We had a blast at the reception!!!

There is no need to wonder where my boys got their dance moves!!! ( Go Daddy! Go Daddy!)

But we did wonder what on earth Ava had on the bottom of her feet?

And I wished time would stand still as I had my first slow dance with my son.

and then I watched him get his first little crush on a much older woman (thank you again Jenny for dancing 84 times with him!)

We posed for pictures…

We played dirty-diaper-in-the-hoodie tricks.

I saw my mom the happiest I’ve seen her in a long time.

And I saw my other brother who I don’t get to see as often as I want. I love you Brandon.

I reminisced about my own wedding and how grateful I am for my husband…

and silently prayed they would still be this in love in 50 years.

The game is not over little brother…. it’s just begun. Enjoy it!

Congratulations Clint and Corena. We love you both!

Many blessings,


  • KC Mom says:

    I love this post!! You did such a great job talking through it with the pictures. Your boys look amazing in those tuxes!! Holy cow and and Ava stole the show!
    I love weddings. I think everyone should go to them…as a reminder of the vows we make to our spouse and how in love you were when you made those vows.
    So sweet….

  • Carmen says:

    How sweet. Your kids are too cute! Congrats to your brother and his new wife!

  • And you forgot one thing . . . . YOU looked beautiful!

  • Shauna says:

    Yes you did look beautiful!!!! What a priceless post, your amazing at telling a story through pictures and capturing the moment in words. That Ava stole the show, what a blessing to have that on video! Could E and Noah look anymore handsome….seriously, your in trouble!!You have a beautiful family! Congratulations, may they share a lifetime of love and happiness.

  • mom says:

    You did a great job on this Jen. Your family is proud of you for these great blogs and we all Congratulate Clint and Corena and may God bless them always. It was great to have all my kids together again, I love you all dearly and miss my boys so-o-o-o-o much!!!!! Noah, E-man and Ava were all precious.

  • How sweet!! Way to make the pregnant woman cry like a baby over a couple she doesn’t even know 🙂 Congrats to your brother and his new wife – the game is truely just beginning!

  • Mesha says:

    ahhh…congrats to your bro! felt like I was there b/c the pictures told such a great story! you all looked amazing by the ways. VERY cute idea to pull her in the wagon and u’r boys look exceptionally mature! it’s funny how wedding and a suit can make kids grow up in a matter of minutes….OR….do the exact opposite. hahaha…kinda a hit and miss I think!

  • Girly Stuff says:

    All of you look great!

    The wedding was taken up a notch when you five showed up!

    Ava’s dress is precious!

    And your boys made me a little weepy…they grow up way too fast!

  • love the photos – weddings are awesome… .you will hug those photos of your kids for years to come…. i tear up every time i look at one i have of my two, then toddlers, from my sisters wedding. you guys look like you know how to have a great time!

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