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Breakfast Nook | Jennifer Allwood


This is where we eat 90% of all our meals at home. It’s also the place where I have my morning coffee and quiet time. And, the place we do puzzles and play Mexican train! THIS is the room. But just because it’s used a bunch doesn’t mean it can’t be decorated lovely. The chairs are my absolute fav and make this space feel glam and welcoming at the same time! I always get asked about my paint colors and accessories, so I’ve gathered a bunch of furniture and home decor items that I have decorated with and included the links below. If those items are no longer available, I found something very similar.  I’ve included links to their sites to contact them. I’ve also included some of my DIY tutorials so you can create similar projects in your home!

Some of these links are affiliate links and I may receive a commission from any purchase you make. I only recommend products I use and love! 

Shop my Breakfast Nook

DIY Tutorials

My Paint Colors

For more of my favorite paint colors, download my free list of my 50 top wall colors here.

Breakfast Nook | Jennifer Allwood

Breakfast Nook | Jennifer Allwood


Get more decorating inspiration from my home! See the other rooms here


And please share my breakfast nook pin and follow me on Pinterest


Breakfast Nook Decorating Ideas +Breakfast Room + Eating Area + Kitchen Decor by Jennifer Allwood


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