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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo

The next Equipped speaker I want you to meet is Jami Nato. Jami’s story and message have it all—infidelity, loving the Lord, learning how to use pain to grow closer to God, using your unique talents and gifts and key tools in your business and more. You don’t want to miss this episode where we talk about all these and you don’t want to miss Jami’s main stage speech at the Equipped Conference.

Want to meet Jami and all the other amazing speakers? Get your ticket for the conference today.
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Hit the Highlights

  • [2:17] Jami’s deep dark secret
  • [4:07] The story of Jami’s business
  • [7:21] How Jami shares her business
  • [10:55] Jami’s faith background
  • [16:15] A defining moment in the last decade
  • [20:01] Rapid Fire questions

All About Jami

Jami Nato and her husband live in Kansas City where they are raising four kids. Jami blogs, speaks and is in the process of writing a book that you’re definitely going to want to read. Jami is hilariously relatable, the kind of girl that you want to be best friends with. Her story includes a marital affair that rocked her foundation, but Jami’s beauty comes not from the suffering, but from the way that God loved her, challenged her and changed her through it all.

She’s an industry leader in the Network Marketing space and runs the most charming coffee shop with her husband. Jami’s story will challenge you to look at challenges and suffering and help you to spin it into a closer walk with Christ.

Where to Find Jami

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