I’ve mentioned it time and time again: If you want your business to succeed and thrive independently of the inconsistencies of social media, you HAVE to focus on building an email list.
In today’s episode, I talk about the importance of having an email list and how it can positively impact your business in the long run. There are so many beneficial effects that come from this practice, and the profit that follows.
Important Links:
Save TIME & MONEY by running your biz on a single platform- check out my software, Equipt360, here:https://equipt360.com/
Join the challenge! I created a 100% free class, that I will be taking myself! This challenge will teach you how to convert your ideas to opt-ins that will generate you $$$. http://jennfierallwood.com/challenge
Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/jenniferallwood/list/BF6THHDDOPC2?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_aipsflist_aipsfjenniferallwood_6NQQ5R4EHQ0W0A70GX53
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