A lie I believed made me not want to show up to my own Mastermind event. The enemy wants us to think we’re the only one that feels that way. I decided to share my insecurities with my Mastermind ladies at my live event because I knew it would give them permission to be vulnerable too, and get all the Lord had for them at the event. I hope this blesses you, friend.
Hit the Highlights
[03:10] What Is it That Women Need to Get to the Next Level?
[04:02] What to Do When You Don’t Believe You Belong
[05:10] The Lie I Believed Disqualified Me From Leading
[07:58] The Enemy Wants You to Feel Like You’re the Only One
[11:30] How My Friend Christy Wright Came Alongside Me
[14:20] The Healing Power of Saying Your Lies Outloud
Important Links
Join my Next Level Mastermind at creatorsnextlevel.com
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