Today we’re going to talk about the backwards mentality of the fear of being successful. Recently applications were open for my mastermind, and I had a lot of conversations with women on the fence about joining. One women was scared, and when I pushed back on what her fear was, it was that she afraid of success. So today we are talking about how ridiculous and mentality is, and why so many women deal with it.
Hit the Highlights
[1:39] A conversation on Instagram
[2:18] Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?
[2:39] Logically it makes no sense to be afraid of being successful
[3:24] If you’re saying you’re afraid of being successful… stop
[3:45] You’re scared of becoming what you’ve made success equal to in your mind
[5:34] What does success actually mean to you?
Important Links
Join me for my 3-day workshop where I’ll give you six lessons you need to grow your business in any economy! Register now at
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