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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo

If you offer a course, membership, or product of any kind… we need to talk! I see so many people offering their customers too many options! What I mean by that is too many options on the checkout page. Today we’re going to talk about why having too many options is actually a problem, even if you think it’s helping your customer.

Hit the Highlights

[1:00] What do I mean by too many options?
[2:04] Why it’s a mess
[3:03] Why too many options isn’t serving best
[6:11] When they’re overwhelmed you lose
[7:31] Keep it simple

Important Links

If you’re feeling bored or stuck in your business, I want to invite you to The Level Up Bootcamp I’m hosting. In this 4-day bootcamp, we are going to get really serious really fast about what you need to do to hit the 6 figure mark and beyond in 2023! It is a big goal, but closer than you think! Go to to join.

Make sure to pop over to my Instagram (@jenniferallwood) and let me know what you thought about today’s episode!

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