The idea of the phrase “fake it till you make it” is terrible advice! Basically, it means to behave like you are a certain thing, know a certain thing, or can do a certain thing before you actually can or are. In this podcast episode, I am going to reframe the phrase for you so you can look at it in a different way. By doing things in your business before you’re ready. Invest in things that will change the position of your heart before you get to something. Start doing things for your business before you’re ready. Remain humble and teachable, while spending time improving your skills.
Hit the Highlights
[2:41] Do things before you think you’re ready
[4:48] When you feel a certain way, then you act a certain way, and when you act a certain way you get different results. — Entire premise of my Reframe to Life Coaching group. This is the framework!
[8:00] You need to remain really humble, and teachable but do things in your business that make you act and feel a certain way
Important Links
Go here for more information on my Next Level Mastermind!!!
The doors to my new Reframed Life Coaching group are closed but you can get on the waitlist here>>>
Podcast episode 138 | The Truth Behind the Numbers
I teach 8 different ways to make money in the online space in my course, The Better Way Program. At the end of 8 weeks, you will be a Certified Online Income Expert!
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