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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo

For those of you who are business owners who are feeling stuck, who don’t have any more hours in the day to work or give more of yourself… for those of you who are feeling like a hamster in a wheel and you’re just busy busy busy but not making good money, you need to listen to this. There is such a better way to make more money while working less. I’m sharing with you three new ways to make money and essentially how you will stop working 1:1 and start succeeding with the 1:many business money. I’m sharing the real life examples from business owners that you can do too! This is going to help you transform your business and your life.

Show Notes


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  • Jennifer, You’re such a breath of fresh air and a truth-teller. Your Inner Circle and Podcasts have reinforced to me what I’ve always known I need to do. I just need to buckle down and get to it. Thank you for the inspiration, guidance, and the gentle push each week. You keep me moving forward in my business and I’m so grateful.

    Entri Ways

  • Siobhan Fox says:

    Hi – with the videos/tutorials, what about all the free videos you can now get on You Tube these days? Do you think you can still change for a tutorial these days?? You thoughts are gratefully received.

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