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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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“Lord what do you want me to do???” When I’m in a situation where I need to hear from Heaven to make a decision, I have learned that I need to use this strategy every time to truly hear from God and get my answer. If YOU need a word from the Lord and are desperate for an answer, I want you to try this!


The Booth Conference, Jan 23-24, 2019 in Memphis, Tennessee. More Info on Facebook: @boothcon

Show Notes

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  • Stephanie Beerbower says:

    This was truly a blessing and a reminder that I know but tend to forget. Thank you for a nudge in the right direction 😊

  • Jennifer is really good at getting to the heart of the problem. She is always tells it straight. Love the message and the messager.

  • Judy Nunnally says:

    Thank you, Jennifer! I have a major problem on focusing when I pray. Your podcast spoke volumes to me today.

  • Cheryl Fryer says:

    You have been a blessing to me many times thru the last few years. This podcast, that you recommended on facebook today, has been a huge one! God has you speaking a word to me……right on time again❤

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