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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo


Seriously. Quit doing all of the things in your business. I want to help you realize when it’s time to outsource/hire/delegate in your business. This is gold information because it’s the only way to get your business to grow. I also address those tasks you should NEVER delegate and, of course, I want to debunk all of my coaching clients’ usual objections. Each One.

Show Notes

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  • Rebecca says:

    Personal plug…

    Girlfriends – I’m here to help! God has given me the talents to provide virtual assistance for entrepreneurs, businesses, and busy people everywhere.

    I might be new to the scene, but I come armed with a ton of experience. I’ve been given the opportunity to work in different capacities, providing me with a broad list of skills, roles, responsibilities and experiences, and with that, I’m confident that I WILL bring value where ever I go.

  • Jeannie says:

    This Hiring and Delagating podcast was so helpful!!! Thank you… a thousand times over!! THANK YOU!

  • I agree 100% about delegating! I hired a bookkeeper since it just gives me anxiety. I hand over all my receipts to her and she posts them. End of the year she sends it all to my accountant.
    I also pay a house cleaner and a yard person. I have one day off and I do not want to spend it doing the household chores. It is hard enough keeping track of the laundry!
    I also meal plan and meal prep so I don’t come in at dinner time and wonder what we are going to eat. I take care of my 81 year old dad so I have to have a dinner planned.

  • Stacey Judge-Ury says:

    Appreciated this one for sure!

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