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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

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 I want to convince all of my creative business owners to be using Instagram Stories for their business. It’s a free social media tool and I am completely obsessed with it!!! Let’s (very quickly) talk about where to find them on your Instagram app.. and then dive into why you should be using these videos for your business. I also share some great ideas on what you can put on your Instagram stories.

Show Notes

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  • Laura Polk says:

    So my mother always told me “God works in mysterious ways.” I just stumbled upon your wonderfulness (probably not a word, but who cares!) yesterday and have signed up for the inner circle waiting list. It honestly is like you are just hitting every nerve I am feeling at this point in my life. I had found and watched your mean client video and I just love everything about you. So happy I have discovered you and will be relying on your guidance to help me discover and develop my new found love for furniture painting.

  • Marina says:

    Hi Jennifer🤗Loved this podcast…Thankyou so much for offering us your knowledge in this way. I truly appreciate it. I’m agreeing with everything you say here…and I love the Instagram platform (tho I’m in my mid-forties😍) but am soooooo nervous with putting myself in the stories. Overcoming all the feels of chatting on camera…. and seeing just how you do look to others… so weird. But the biggest one is this……. I’m worried that those that know me, friends and family~ will think I’m ‘up myself’. That I’ve become vain… or immodest. Have your heard this before?
    Kindest Wishes

  • Charlotte Morris says:

    I loved what Jennifer had to say and she is easy to listen too! Will be tuning back in!

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