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Jennifer Allwood | 30 Days of Prayer

Need prayer over your business?

Download my 30-day devotional and get the very same prayers I said over my business!

Yes! Get the Devo

So I saw this adorable pin on Pinterest (yes I am on it, yes I am addicted)….courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens….and decided I need to make “candycorn pumpkins” for my front steps.

The description says the pumpkins are spray painted….and I have about 2,187 cans of spray paint in my basement….so I went to work.

Candy Corn Pumpkins Jennifer Allwood
I think it’s wise to paint the bottoms first. Notice my cute little helper in the background watching.

Candy Corn Pumpkins Jennifer Allwood
Unfortunately……I way oversprayed…..and it ran everywhere. Note to self: SEVERAL THIN coats of paint work best. Every painter knows this. Duh….. 
Candy Corn Pumpkins Jennifer Allwood
Then I flipped the pumpkins right side up….
Candy Corn Pumpkins Jennifer Allwood

And tinfoiled the stems ‘cuz I didn’t want those painted.
I didn’t like the overspray that the spray paint was leaving. I thought the BH&G pumpkins had a crisper transition between colors…… so I decided to tape off a paint line. Tthat looked ridiculous (see above).
Candy Corn Pumpkins Jennifer Allwood
So I went back to spray painting them. 

Candy Corn Pumpkins Jennifer Allwood

And think they look ok from a distance.
Especially when the camera is tilted.
Candy Corn Pumpkins Jennifer Allwood

I’m just not sure how BH&G did it. Thoughts???

Candy Corn Pumpkins Jennifer Allwood


Welcome to fall y’all.


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More fun pumpkin ideas on my Fall Decorating Board.


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